Matskási István (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 94. (Budapest 2002)

Korsós, Z., Hornung, E. , Szlávecz, K. ; Kontschán, J.: Isopoda and Diplopoda of urban habitats: new data to the fauna of Budapest

more widely distributed in Hungary (e.g. LOKSA 1966, FORRÓ & FARKAS 1998). Protracheoniscus politus was thought to be restricted to the northern and western parts of Hungary (ALLSPACH & SZLÁVECZ 1990, SZLÁVECZ 1995). VERHOEFF (1927) described P. amoenus as P. politus, creating a confusion of the two species names in later records. Although STROUHAL (1947) attempted to clarify the situa­tion, today the two are considered to be one species, Protracheoniscus politus (SCHMALFUSS, pers. comm). The species name given in this paper reflects this sit­uation. Although this time we did not find isopods on Vérmező (No. 1), earlier collectings resulted in three species, Armadillidium vulgare, Porcellium collicola, and Protracheoniscus politus (SZLÁVECZ, unpubl.). Figs 3-4. 3 = Trichorhina tomentosa (courtesy of DÁVID MURÁNYI); 4 = Poratia aff. digitata, left male gonopod, lateral view (courtesy of DÁVID MURÁNYI)

