Matskási István (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 90. (Budapest 1998)

Bálint, Zs., Johnson, K. ; Austin, G. T.: New species of Eumaeini (Lycaenidae) from Southeastern Brazil II. Review of regional Ministrymon and descriptions of new species (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)

Type - Holotype male, MPM, Brazil, Icatu, 12 May 1951. Remarks - This species is the second discovered in the una group with an unusually large DFW brand (the other from Rondônia). This further emphasizes the previously une­laborated diversity of the white Ministrymon. Etymology - From the Latin for "exorbitant", referring to the outstanding FW brand and con­trasting black and white colours that mark the dorsum of this species. Ministrymon oblongus sp. n. (Figs 13-14, 23, 30) Diagnosis - Wings. Recognized by the mostly warm brown dorsum on which, on the HW, an oblongate central white field is framed by wide brown costal and submargi­nal borders. One the venter reduced expression of the blocklike markings, especially on the HW, with only the blocks' distal dark grey-brown edges being prominent over the white ground. There is little sexual dimorphism except for the male's rather square­shaped brownish black DFW brand. Morphology. Male genitalia marked by reduced sac­cus, being short (less than one-half valve length), narrow and blunt; valvae bilobes with triangulate and strongly opaque shoulders, caudal extensions narrow and elongate, slight­ly inwardly "hooked" in terminal one third. Female genitalia robust, fluted tube, opening terminally with quite elliptical lamellae lacking any evidence of a dorsal superior plate; cervix bursae quite produced dorsally and ventrally. Description - Tailed as typical of genus. Male (Fig. 13). DFW warm brown except for an ob­longate white patch on the HW between the anal angle and cell M3, the latter framed by a wide brown costal border and a wide submarginal border, the latter which is somewhat darker basally, but with a bright white marginal line from the anal angle to vein M3. DFW with a large [3x3 mm| somewhat square-shaped fuscous brand. Ventral ground whitish with clocklike markings reduced to mostly their distal grey-brown edges, on FW as disjunctive marks in discal cell, at the cell-end, and space regularly along the postmedial area to the costa. HW with postbasal marks appearing as three spots, in the medial area as single, dashed, lines but, near the costa with both the basal and distal edges expressed (somewhat like a "quotation mark"). Limbal area with only slight, suffusive, crescent-like marks and light golden "T/zec/a-spot". Length of FW: 12.0 mm. Female (Fig. 14). Ap­pearing almost exactly like the male except for the lack of FW brand and showing very slight suffu­sion of white in cell CuA2 of the DFW, and slightly more distinction to the cellular elements of the DHW submarginal band. Length of FW: 12.0 mm. Male genitalia (Fig. 23). Genital capsule marked by reduced saccus, being short (less than one-half valve-length), narrow and blunt; valvae bilobes with triangulate and strongly opaque shoulders, caudal extensions narrow and elongate, slightly inwardly "hooked" in terminal one third; aedeagus robust, exceeding length of rest of geni­talia by about caecum length, caecum and shaft both bowed, latter comprising about two-fifths aedeagus length; aedeagus terminus fluted, dorsum with rows of minute microtrichial bundles. Fe­male genitalia (Fig. 30). Ductus bursae robust, fluted tube, opening terminally with quite elliptical lamellae lacking any evidence of a dorsal superior plate; cervix bursae flap prominent and oblon­gate, dorsal area adjacent ductus seminalis is heavily sclerotized.

