Kovács I. (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 78. (Budapest 1986)
CONSPECTUS MATERIARUM In memóriám DEBRECZY, Zs. : In memóriám Dr. Vera Csapody (1890-1985) 5 BUCZKÓ, K.: In memóriám Dr. Zsuzsanna P.-Komáromy (1942 1985) 11 Pars Petrographica NOSKEFAZEKAS, G. : Universal stage investigation of plagioclase feldspars in a mafic granulite nodule 15 VINCZE-SZEBERENYI, H. : Neuere Messergebnisse von einigen komplex aufgebauten PlagioklasZwillingskristallen 23 Pars Palaeontologica HABLY, L. : The macroflora of the borehole Kiscell-1 in Budapest 31 FARKAS, H. : The variability problem of Schuleridea (Aequacytheridea) perforata (Roemer, 1838) (Ostracoda; Eocene) 41 Pars Botanica SZUJKÓ-LACZA, J. & RAJCZY, M. : Similarity investigations on a loess steppe fragment in a foreststeppe in Hungary 49 Pars Zooiogica TAITI, S., FERRARA, F. & SCHMAXI uss, H. : Chileoniscus marmoratus gen. et sp. n. from Chile (Oniscidea, Scleropactidae) 63 STEINMANN, H. : Isolabis frater sp. n. (Dermaptera, Carcinophoridae) from Venezuela 71 LJXNHARD, CH. : Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Psocopteren-Fauna Ungarns (Insecta) 73 ROUGEMONT, G. M. DE: New Stiliderus Motschulsky species from the Indo-Australian Region (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 79 PACE, R. : Aleocharinae dell'Africa Orientale (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 83 DOLIN, W. G. : Eine neue Athous (Orthathous) Art aus Ungarn (Coleoptera, Elateridae) 145 KASZAB, Z. : Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Tenebrioniden (Coleoptera) aus Arabien 147 KASZAB, Z. : Tenebrioniden (Coleoptera) aus Neukaledonien 151 MARCUZZI, G.: Descrizione di nuovi taxa di Tenebrionidi Neotropicali (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) 177 MERKL, O. : A review of the Australian species of the subtribe Statirina (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae: Lagriini) 187 BOROWIEC, L. : Two new species of Spermophagus Schoenherr from South Africa (Coleoptera, Bruchidae: Amblycerinae) 201 RONKAY, L.: On the taxonomy and zoogeography of some Palaearctic and Indo-Australian Plusiinae (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) 205 VOJNITS, A. : Data to the Geometrid (Lepidoptera) fauna of Iran : Larentiinae and Sterrhinae ... 219 PAPP, J.: A survey of the European species of Apanteles Forst. (Hymenoptera, Braconidae: Microgastrinae), IX. The glomeratus-group, 1 225 PAPP, J. : First survey of the Glabromicroplitis Papp species of the Holarctic Region, with taxonomical remarks of three Microgaster Latreille species (Hymenoptera, Braconidae: Microgastrinae) 249