Kaszab Zoltán (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 70. (Budapest 1978)

Babos, M.: Pluteus studies, I. (Basidiomycetes, Pluteaceae)

under skin of pileus vivid chrome yellow, otherwise yellow to yellowish, in upper part of stipe yello­wish rosy; fragile in cap, but fibrous rigid in stipe, almost hard when young (Figs. 1-2). — E p i ­cutis of pileus consisting of spherocysts, cystidiform elements and elongated cells; without clamp connections. Spherocysts and cystidoid cells spheropedunculate-vesiculose-obpiriform, clavate, bottle-shaped, terminally rounded or with shorter to longer necks or appendages; 28-80x9.3-26u.rn (Fig. 3). Elongated terminal cells of epicuticulars hyphae thin-walled; apically obtuse or subacute; hyaline or melleous; of unequal thickness; their size varying, 60-200x9.3-20 urn (Fig. 4). — Prui­nosity of stipe effected by smaller to larger tufts of brown, cylindrical, fusiform, clavate, or broadly clavate terminal cells, with or without a small appendage; 17-62-(90)X 4.7-17(-23) [i.m (Fig. 5). They can be found also on the white or creamy, apparently glabrous stipes, mainly on its lower part. — Cheilocystids numerous, varying greatly in form and size: spheropedunculate­obpiriform, clavate, bottle-shaped, etc., terminally rounded or with a neck or minute appendage; much like epicuticular cystidoid cells; 23-62x8.5-39 u,m (Fig. 6). — Pleurocystids clavate, bottle-shaped; pale yellowish or hyaline; 30-70X 10-23 pirn (Fig. 7). — S p o r e s globose to short ellipsoid; (4.7-)5.4-7x(4-)4.7-5.6 urn; pale rosaceous and often monoguttulate. — Bas i dia clavate, 4-spored, 20-30x5.4-7.8 u,m. Pileus 1.8—7.5(— 15) cm in diametro; in statu juvenili "mustard"-flavus — brunneovirides­centi-flavus, rubroaurantiaco-flavus vel citrinus, in statu evoluto citrino — chromo-flavus ; in medio ± rugulosus-venosus ; forte squamosus — fibroso-squamosus ; in statu evoluto margine costatus. Lamellae liberae; in statu juvenili valde confertae; colore etiam juveniliter conspicue rosaceae; acies alba. Stipes 2.5-10 cm longus, 0.3-1 (ad basim usque ad 2) cm crassus; forma varius; albus vel cre­meus, sed in statu juvenili saepe superficie toto brunnescenti-nigro velutinus (Figs. 1-2). Caro flavus, juveniliter in parte superiore stipitis flavescenti-rosaceus; in pileo fragilis, in stipite fibroso-rigidus. Neque sapor, nec odor proprius. — Epicutis pilei e sphaerocystis, cellulis cystidiformibus (20-80x9.3-26 [im; Fig. 3) et e cellulis elongatis (60-200x9.3-20 u.m), melleis vel hyalinis constructa (Fig. 4). Stipites propter cellulas terminales cylindrico-fusoideas, claviformes, late clavatas, brunneas, 17-62(-90)x4.7-17(-23) u,m magnas velutini (Fig. 5). Cheilocystidia numerosa, sphaeropeduncu­lato-vesiculosa, clavata, ampullacea, etc., collo minuto vel sine ullo, 23-62x8.5-39 jzm (Fig. 6) Pleurocystidia clavato-ampullacea, pallide mellea vel hyalina, 30-70x10-23 u,m (Fig. 7). Sporae subglobosae — breviter ellipsoideae (4.7-)5.4-7x(4-)4.7-5.6 p. Basidia 4-spora. — In cumulo scobis putrido catervatim, singulariter vel caespitose. Typus : 56.936, in Herbario Musei Historico-Naturalis Hungarici, Budapest. Prope Szárliget, Hungária, 6. VIL 1977, leg. BABOS et FRIESZ. Further h e r b a r i a 1 data: 1. Near Szárliget, on decaying sawdust, 19 August 1974, 16 August 1977, leg. VÉSSEY; 18 July 1976, 26 June 1977, 3 July 1977, 9 Oct. 1977, leg. VIRÁG et ZIRKELBACH. — 2. Dömös, on decaying sawdust, 23 July 1968, leg. BABOS. — 3. Solymár, on decaying sawdust, 3 Sept. 1977, leg. TALLÉR. — 4. Budapest: Mts. Budai, on decaying stump, 19 June 1960, leg. SZŐKE; 11 June 1972, leg. ? The European species with a yellow cap (of diverse hues) belong in the Sect. Hispidoder­ma FAYOD (epicutis of pileus filamentous) and in the Sect. Celluloderma FAYOD Subsect. Eucellulodermini SING, (epicutis of pileus consisting of globose-vesiculose-obpiriform-clavate cells; elements are not dimorphic). (VACEK 1948, KÜHNER & ROMAGNESI 1953, ORTON 1960, MOSER 1967, etc.). On the basis of the epicuticular structure of the pileus, P. variabilicolor can be assigned to the Sect. Celluloderma FAYOD Subsect. Mixiini SING. The subsection contains mainly extra-European species (SINGER 1956, 1975). It is therefore possible that there appeared on the decaying sawdust a termophilous species which differs in the following macroscopic characteristics from the other species constituting the Subsect. Mixtini: Mostly medium to large (pileus 1.8—7.5[— 15] cm in diam.). Pileus when young mustard-brownish green yellow, orange-reddish yellow or lemon yellow, later citrous-chrome-yellow; medially also rugoso-venose ; glabrous, later often squamosely to fibrillo-squamosely disrupting and marginally densely striate. Lamellae when young finely rosaceous, edges white (no yellow colour visible). Stipe slender or squat; cylindrical or clavate, basally bulbous or attenuated; white to creamy, but when young occasionally entire surface conspicuously velvety blackish brown. Flesh yellow to yellowish when young in the upper part of stipe fine yellowish rosaceous; in stipe fibrinous rigid, nearly hard.

