Kaszab Zoltán (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 70. (Budapest 1978)

Papp, L.: Contribution to the revision of the Palaearctic Lauxaniidae (Diptera)

3 (4) çf hind femur with a row of thorns on proximal 3/4 to 7/8 of femur, some of them extremely thick and long (Fig. 22). çf hind trochanter with thick bristles. Phallus very long (reaching the base of abdomen) with very sharp ventromedial ridge. Pregenital sternite without any thick bristles. Surstylus as in Fig. 6/b. Bristles in median acrostical rows at most 3/4 as long as prsc bristles. (Tunisia, Algeria) tunisica sp. n. 4 (3) çf hind femur with at most 7 long, thornlike bristles at about middle (Figs. 20, 21). Only thin bristles on çf hind trochanter. Phallus somewhat shorter. Surstylus (Figs. 5, 6) of other form. At least one pair or more bristles in median acrostical rows as long as or longer than prsc bristles. 5 (6) rf surstylus with two tips (Fig. 5). Pregenital sternite (Fig. 18) without thick bristles. Thornlike bristles on çf hind femur (Fig. 20) longer, thicker and more numerous than in following species. 9 8th sternite biloded posteriorly. (Central Europe) subnotata sp. n. 6 (5) çf surstylus blunt (Fig. 6). Pregenital sternite (Fig. 11) with some short but thick bristles. Thornlike bristles on çf hind femur (Fig. 21) shorter, thinner, and less in number than in subnotata sp. n. Ç 8th sternite simple. (Algeria, Tunisia) maghrebi sp. n. H. tenera (LOEW, 1846): 366 (Sapromyza). — Holotype Q . A completely yellow species. Arista with very short hairs. 0 + 3 dc pairs. Acrosticals in 4, + well-ordered rows, no enlarged acmi. Longest acrostical as long as de microchaetae. 1 h, 2 np, 1 prsut, 1 sa, 2 pa, 1 propl, 1 nip, 2 st pairs of bristles. Legs without any modifications. Wing length of holotype 9: 3.78 mm, crossveins, end of r 2+3 and of r i+5 and m with dark brown spots, similar dark spot on about middle of r 4+5 (the spots look like a band each along veins as the holotype is a somewhat immature specimen). Female cerci brown with many wavely curved hairs. — Body length of holotype 9 : 2.68 mm. Holotype: 9 : Cassei, HOFFM. — 11591 — Coll. H. LOEW — Typus — "Sapromyza tenera m." (LOEW'S handwriting). The above short description was given since BECKER and CZERNY placed it wrongly in their keys. Homoneura thalhammeri sp. n. (Figs. 8, 32) A yellow species with unspotted wings. Frons dull yellow, ocellar triangle and orbitalia subshin­ing. Third antennái joint 1.5 times longer than its width. Arista pubescent, with hairlets of equal length (shorter than 0.03 mm). Genae only a little wider than diameter of third antennái joint. Thora­cic chaetotaxy: 1 h,2 np, 1 prsut, 0 + 3 dc (anterior pair just behind suture), 2 sa, 1 pa, 1 prsc, 1 mp, 2 st pairs of bristles. 1 weak propl. Arcosticals in 6 rows presuturally, in 4 rows before prescutellars. No enlarged acmi, bristles in median rows hardly longer than those in lateral rows. Legs yellow, all tibiae with dorsal preapical bristles. A very strong ventral apical on mid tibia. Wings comparatively narrow, pale brownish grey, veins ochreous yellow. Costa with strong fringe of small black bristles to conjointment with vein r i+5 , c x of holotype: 3.31, m x = 2.0. Wings without any dark spots or diffuse dark coloration. Wing length: holotype çf: 3.24 mm, paratypes: 3.00-3.44 mm, width: holo­type çf : 1.17 mm, paratypes: 1.09-1.33 mm. çf genitalia very characteristic. 6th (pregenital) sternite (Fig. 32) quadrangular, thinly chitinized, anteriorly with a pair of bulb-like protuberance. Surstyli coalescent with hypopygium (Fig. 8). Hypopygium very long dorsally, cerci rather small. No conspi­cuous gonites. — Body length: 2.94 mm, paratypes: 2.68-3.37 mm. Holotype çf: Czechoslovakia: "Rózsahegy, Hungária, THALHAMMER", "Sapromyza consobrina ZTT." "coll. THALHAMMER", — Paratypes: 1 c? • data same as for holotype; 1 9 : "S. A. Ujhely, Hungária, THALHAMMER"; 1 çf : "Sz. Fehérvár, Hungária, THALHAMMER", "Sapro­myza consobrina ZTT." coll. THALHAM." 1 çf: "Őrsz. Miklós, SAJÓ, VII.", "patelliformis" det. SZI­LÁDY, 1940."— Romania: 2 çf : "Csorba, Hungária, THALHAMMER", "Sapromyza consobrina ZTT." coll. THALHAMMER (specimens in rather poor condition). H. thalhammeri sp. n. is an easily recognizable species, with its six acrostical rows of equal length, also the shape of çf surstyli is very characteristic. In CZERNY'S (1932) key it runs to couplet 7 (Sapromyza filia BECK., but it is a Minettia species, see below). The shape

