Kaszab Zoltán (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 70. (Budapest 1978)

Bohus, G.: Hebeloma studies, II. (Basidiomycetes, Cortinariaceae)

Hebeloma psammocolum sp. n. (Fig. 4) It grows in Junipero-Populetum in barren sand soil, similarly to the former species. No small pits occur around the fruit bodies since the fruit bodies do not develop in the soil. This is the reason why the pilei are not completely — only slightly — covered with sand. Pie lus 3-6.5 cm, carnosulus, convexus, deinde expansus, saepe umbonatus, brunneolo­ochraceus, ochraceo-brunneus, testaceo-pallens, margine pallidior, primo velo obtectus, deinde circa marginem maculis e fibrillis albidis, demum saepe glabratus; viscosus. —• Lamellae 4-8 mm latae, demum ventricosae, sicci, e pallidis brunneolo-ochraceae, argillaceo-brunneae, adnatae-emargi­natae, acie pallido. Stipes ± subcavus, 5-8x0.7-1,2 cm, aequalis, basi fusiformi-subradicatus, curvus, apice albidus, deorsum pallide ochraceus, basi ochraceo-brunneus, fibrillis cortinae obtectus, ad dimidium in arenam demersus, basi cum bulbo ex arena non raro magno. Caro albida in pileo et parte in stipite, deorsum in stipite + brunnea, odore debili. — S p o r a e 10-12.5x6-6.8 fim, ellip­soideae, obtusae, subleves vel subtiliter verrucosae, pallide ochraceae. Cheilocystidiae cylindraceae, 40-70X 5-8 /mi, numerosissimae. — In sabulo vasto. Typus: 56.935 in Herbario Musei Historico-naturalis Hungarici, Budapest. Inter Örkény et Tatárszentgyörgy, in Junipero-Populetum, 11 Nov. 1976, leg. BABOS et FRIESZ. It is very characteristic the stipe similar to that of Psathyrella ammophila (DUR. & LEV) Orton. The sandy species with cortina, H. xerophilum RUDN.-JEZ. (1967) has small spores (6-9 X 3-6 /un) pileus small (-3.5 cm), cheilocystidia clavate. The other cortinate sandy fungus, H. dunense CORB. & HEIM is small, the colours of pileus and lamellae are quite different. KEY TO THE HEBELOMA CRUSTULINIFORME-GROUV (Species recently described and with pale pileus not included in the monograph by BRUCHET, 1970) Characteristics: pileus in the middle + ochre, towards the margin white, whitish; la­mella beaded with drops (at H. eburneum only sometimes); spores large, amygdaliform; cheilocystidia claviform. 1. Under Cedrus libanotica (probably under Quercus ilex and Pinus halepensis, too). Pileus 6-10 cm. Stipe 6-8 x 1-2 cm. Flesh white or light yellowish. Taste sweetish. Smell weakly but persistently raphanaceous. Spores 11-13 x 6-7.2 p.m. H. eburneum MALENC. (1970) — Under other trees 2 2. Under various trees. Pileus 3-8 cm; may be innato fibrillose. Stipe 3-9 x 0.4-1 cm. Flesh white, finally a little brownish at the base of stipe. Taste tartish or sweetish. Smell pleasant, cocoa-like. Spores 13-15-16x6-7 ^m. H. perpalliduiu Mos. (1970) — Under Populus 3 3. On humid soil (often moory meadows and on lake shores). Pileus 2-6 cm. Stipe 2-6x0.3-0.8 cm. Flesh pale, in stipe brownish. Taste bitter. Smell strong, rather cocoa-like than radish-like. Spores (11)-12-13.7-(15) x6.7-8-(8.5) um. H. populinum ROMAGN. (1965) — On drier soil. Pileus 5-10 cm. Stipe 4-8 X 1-2 cm. Flesh white, whitish. Taste insigni­ficant. Smell absent or slightly raphanaceous. Spores 10.5—12.5—(14) x 5.5-7-(8.5) H. ochroalbidum BOHUS (1972) Of the species belonging to this group two have been discovered in the Carpathian Basin: H. ochroalbidum in some localities and H. perpallidum from one habitat. The description of H. per­pallidum given below was made on the basis of two gatherings (between Dunakeszi and Göd, on sandy soil under Betula, 12 and 26 Sept. 1976, leg. FRIESZ).

