Kaszab Zoltán (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 68. (Budapest 1976)

Jánossy, D. ; Kordos, L.: Pleistocene-holocene Mollusc and Vertebrate fauna of two caves in Hungary

26 JÁNOSSY 8c KORDOS Petényi Cave P T H V H IV Hm H„ HÍ -n 13.4 15.7 — 15.0 15.8 15.0 °C Rejtek I Bl.III. 200-220 Bl. III. 200-180 Bl. III. 180-160 Bl. III. 160-140. Bl. II. 4. Bl. II. 3. Bl.II. 2. 17.2 18.3 17.3 18.3 15.9 15.7 15.4 : °C These values are lower than those from Jankovich Cave calculated with the same method. In Petényi Cave there is a rise of temperature at Pleistocene-Holocene boundary, likewise in the lowermost layers of Rejtek I. Rock Shelter. According to the data of Rejtek I. Rock Shelter there was a fluctuation of temperature in Bajót Phase and from Bajót—Kőrös boundary onwards a considerable decrease in temperature can be observed. In Bükk, Kőhát and Alföld Phases the tempera­ture diagram of the caves shows almost the same values. There was a rise of tem­perature in Kőhát Phase (Fig. 5). Holocene research has still several unsolved problems therefore it would be premature to seek for connections with Holocene temperature fluctuations of other territories. That is why only values resulted by the "vole-thermometer" method are published here. 10 Fig. 5. Estimated palaeotemperatures of the Hungarian Holocene succession with the sketch of data of microstratigraphy and absolute chronology (below), 1 = on the basis of pollenanalysis according to JÁRAI—KOMLÓDI (1969) ; 2 = on the basis of the vole-spectra : Jankovich-Cave (KRETZOI 1957); 3 = Petényi Cave; 4 = Rejtek I. Rock Shelter.

