Kaszab Zoltán (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 66. (Budapest 1974)

Bohus, G.: Agaricus studies, IV.

umbrelloidea. Flavescentia per pressionem causata semper tarda: color ochraceo­flavidus plerumque die subséquente tantum conspicuus. K Typus: 44.847 in Herbaria- Mus Hist.-nat. Hung., Budapest. Mende (com. Pest), in Robinieto, 17 Sept. 1968, leg. BOHUS, BABOS, FERENCZ & VÉSSEY. Further herbarial data: Csévharaszt (Com. Pest), in locust-tree wood on sand, 20 June 1967, leg. BOHUS, BABOS, KONECSNI & VÉSSEY, 16 June 1969, leg. BABOS & VÉSSEY. — Budapest, Pestlőrinc, in locust-tree wood on sand, 20 Sept. 1970, leg. SUNHEDE. — Bu­dapest, Soroksár-Péterimajor, in Bot. Garden, in locust-tree wood on sand, 23 May 1972, leg. BABOS & RIMÓCZI. Pileus 8—18 cm in diam., white, creme, when old eventually ochre yellow, when young finely floccose-fibrillose (magnifying glass), upon pressure becoming ochre yellow after a day. Gills at first dirty whitish then greyish flesh-coloured, or eventually vivid flesh rosy, at length blackish brown. Stem 9—20 cm long, 10—20 cm thick, at base gradually swollen to a bulb more or less marginate as in the figure of A. arvensis (HENNIG 1958, Fig. 25), rather slender, whitish, when old becoming blackish above or not. Ring white, double, on the under side formed as cog-wheel. Flesh whitish, not changing or very late (after a day). Smel more or less of anise. Spores ovate, 6.3-—7.7x4.5—5.5 p. Marginal cystidia often ovate, but also vesiculose-ampellaceous, 9—30x6.5—13.5 p. The Maskae-group (Intermediae) Agaricus maskae PILÁT var. imrehii var. n. (Fig. 2) The late LÁSZLÓ IMREH has drawn my attention the variability of certain charac­teristics of A. maskae populations rich in the pastures in the environs of Szekszárd. Such features were the colour of the pileus, the superficial structure of the pileus, the development of velum partiale, the structure of the lower surface of the ring, the degree of discoloration of the flesh, and some other variable characteristics. These variable characteristics were manifested in such a combination in one form that the fruit-bodies neither in situ nor when they are prepared they hardly resemble A. maskae. In fact, in order to make identification easier it would have been more expedient to separate it as a subspecies, however, all the variable characteristics extreme as they may be have transitional forms pointing to the type, thus, may only be regarded as a variety. It differs form the type: Pileus imbricate, ornamented with pointed fibrillose squames rather resembling thereby A. elvensis. Velum partiale well developed, owing to this the edge of the pileus is fringed. On the lower surface of the ring has a cock-wheel-like ornamentation. No[discoloration may be observed on the fungus, and it hardly changes even during prolonged drying. A typo differt: Pileus imbricate squamosus, squamis acutatis, elongatis, Ulis Agarici elvensis similibus. Velum partiale bene evolutum, propterea margo pilei fimbriatus. Annulus in facie interior e radiatim f issus. Color carposomatum hand alter atur: etiam tempore exsicationis conspicue vix mutatur. Typus: 38.420 in Herbario Mus. Hist.-nat. Hung., Budapest. Kölesd (Com. Tolna), in pascuo (Festucetum vaginatae danubiale), 11 Julii 1962, leg. IMREH & BOHUS.

