Kaszab Zoltán (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 65. (Budapest 1973)

Mihályi, F.: Description of two new Fanniinae species from Hungary (Diptera, Muscidae)

Fannia argentea sp. 9 n- (Fig- 11) There are 151 specimens of this species in our collection, all females. The males might not be caught so far, or be hidden under the name of some other species. The species can easily be recognized by the dense silver-gray dusting all over the body and by the broad yellow bases of the tibiae. Head (Fig. 11) black with dense light-gray dusting, frons very broad, 2/5 head width, with 6 frontal and 2 orbital setae and a zig-zagging row of small setulae. Orbits 1.5 times broader than frontaha. Facial orbit narrow, less than a quarter of the width of third antennái joint. Jowl narrow in profile, half as broad as antenna. Broad frontalia conspicuously whitish-gray glistening (frontal view). Antennae black, third segment short, breadth to length as 1:2. Palpi black, mentum black, thinly dusted. Eyes bare, with some scattered hairs on lower part. Thorax black, densely dusted silvery-gray. Acrostichals biserial in front, broad­ening and becoming triserial behind suture. 1 -2 prealars present, front one strong, about half as long as second notopleural; second one weak, often missing. Squamae whitish, halteres yellowish-white. Abdomen black, uniformly densely gray-dusted, without any pattern. Wings vitreous, veins light brown. Legs dark, tip of femurs and base of first tibia about one-third, other tibiae one-fourth reddish-yellow. Front femur with two posterodorsal and one posteroventral row r s of bristles, front tibia without anterodorsal or posterodorsal bristles. Middle femur with a strong erect bristle beneath at base, nearly as long as diameter of femur, middle tibia with 2 anterodorsals and 2 posterodorsals. Hind femur with 2 strong anteroventrals at end, and a group of about 5 anterodorsals above them, hind tibia with 1 anteroventral, 1 anterodorsal and 1 dorsal bristles. Hind coxa without hairs on inner posterior margin. Figs. 8-10. Hennigomyia aenigmatica sp. n., 8 = male middle les;. Figs. 9-10. supposed female of I lie species: 9 = head in front., 10 = middle leg.

