Kaszab Zoltán (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 64. (Budapest 1972)

Kováts, D. ; Stieber, J.: Some observations on the dynamism of structural development in the stem-borne root of Lithospermum purpureo-coeruleum L.

of the procambial bundle, archicity is emphasized concomitantly with the gradual falling behind of the central pith. Observations were made on the means of the complete differentiation of the xylem bundles, and these were expressed by code formulae. Similarly, the formation and function of the cambium, as well as that of the annual rings, were observed in certain respects. The changes of the endoderm and cortical tissues were followed, and attention called on the existence of certain types. On the basis of observations, inferences w T ere drawn on various developmental wave systems (e.g. transformations in the pith and the endoderm, changes in the cortex, the appearance of the cambium etc. as wave fronts passing in diverse sequences along the length of the root). The discussed phenomena are illustrated, besides microscopical photographs, by sketches and spatial figures. Acknowledgements We are indebted for working facilities and support to Professor S. SÁRKÁNY, director of the Institute of Applied Botany and Histogenetic, University Budapest and to J. SZUJKÓ-LACZA and G. FEKETE, heads of the research team of the Botani­cal Department of the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest. References: ESAU, K. (1969) : Pflanzenanatomie. Jena, 353-390. — GUTTENBERO, H. (1955): Lehrbuch der Allgemeinen Botanik. Berlin, 304-322. - HEGI, G. (1931-35): Illustrierte Flora von Mittel-Europa, München, 5 (3): 2153-2156. - JODIN, H. (1903): Recherches anatomiques sur les Borraginees Paris. Ann. Scienc. Nat. Bot., 17 : 263-340. — KAUSSMANN, B. (1903): Pflanzenanatomie. Jena, 429-443. - KOVÁTS, D. (1971): Some Histological Observations on Lithospermum purpureo-coeruleum L. Seedlings. Ann.Hist.' nat.Hung.,Ü3: 99-116. - MCLEAN, R, C. & IVIMEY-COOK, W. It. (1951-1958): Textbook of Theoretical Botany. London-Xew York-Toronto. Vol. 1. 785-814. - METCALFE, O R. & CHALK, L. (1950): Anatomy of the Dicotyledons. Oxford, 945-954. - PRÉCSÉNVI, I., FEKETE, G. & SZI;JKÓ-LACZA, J. (1967) : Pattern studies in Quercus pubcscens wood. Acta Bot. Hung., 13: 277-298. — SÁRKÁNY S. (1934) : Szállítószövetrendszer kifejlődése a Ricinus communis szárában. Pécs, partly in Bot. Közi. 31: 185-218. — SÁRKÁNY S. (1937): Szövetfejlődéstani vizsgálatok az Aristolochia sipho szárában. Bot. Közi. 34: 120-140. — SÁRKÁNY, S. & SZÁLAI I. (1904) : Xövényszervezettani gyakorlatok. Budapest. — SOLÉ­REDER, H. (1899): Systematische Anatomie der Dicotyledonen. Stuttgart, 627-635. — Soó, R. (1963): Fejlődéstörténeti növényrendszertan. Budapest. — STIEBER J. (1903): A gesztenye szövettana, in JÁVORKA, S. & MALIGA, P. (1963): A gesztenye; Castanea sativa Mill. Magyarország Kultur flórája, 7: 45-58. — SZUJKÓ-LACZA, J. & FEKETE, G. (1971): The Correlation of species and habitat factors in a xcrothermic oak forest (Orno­Quercetum) Stand. Feddés Eepert. 82: 263-286. - WETTSTEIN, R, (1935): Handbuch der Systematischen Botanik. Leipzig und Wien, 888-891. — ZÓLYOMI, B. (1963): Synö­kologische Untersuchung einer Basiphil-Kalziphilen Indikator-Waldpflanze (Lithosper­mum purpureo-coeruleum). Acta Bot. Hung., 9: 461-472. Explanation of Plates Plate I. Habit pictures. Figs. 1—2: Elongated vegetative shoots arcuately recumbent on ground, their apices recurving from it : Figs. 3-4 : Young, merely some cm long roots from vegetative shoots of Lithospermum purpureo-coeruleum L. ; Figs. 5-6: Roots older and longer than the preceding ones; Fig. 7: Vegetative shoot apex taken to roots during summer or autumn; after overwintering hypogeally functioning as a rhizome by spring, emitting shoots; Fig. 8: Plants becoming distinct individuals by spring, the connecting old rooty shoots having slowly decayed.

