Szekessy Vilmos (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 60. (Budapest 1968)

Wenger, S.: Data to the anthropology of a late Roman period population in the SE Transdanubia

Protoeuropoide I. The Nordoide-type subgroup Ten skulls belong to this subgroup (Vörösmart: 2, 5, 7, 13, 20, 21, 22; Zengő­várkony IL: 1, 4, 6). All skulls are long to medium long (dolicho — mesocranial), the forehead wide (eurymetopic), the total face and upper face narrow to medium wide (lepto-mesoprosopic and lepten-mesen, respectively). The stature is great medium to medium. The skeletons belonging to this group reveal features characteristic of northern and Protoeuropoide elements (Plate I, Figs. 1, 2, 3). 77". The gracile, Mediterranoide-type subgroup Eight skulls are relegable to this subgroup (Vörösmart: 11, 14, 17, 18; Kő: 2, 6; Hidas : 1 ; Kővágószöllős : 1), characterized by a medium long to long head (meso­dolichocranial), wide forehead (eurymetopic), narrow total and upper face lepto­prosopic and lepten, respectively), a gracile and fine relief, a low to medium stature. On the skeletons belonging to this category, features characterizing Mediterranoide elements predominate (Plate II, Figs. 1, 2, 3). 777. Cromagnoide-B type subgroup Two skulls refer to this subgroup (Zengővárkony II. : 5 ; Fazekasboda : 5). One of the skulls is medium long (mesocranial), the other short (brachycranial), their fore­head wide (eurymetopic), the total and upper face wide (euryprosopic and euryen) and medium wide (mesoprosopic and mesen), respectively. It is mainly features re­sembling Cromagnoide-B form which are observable on these two skulls (Plate III,. Figs. 1, 2). Owing to the rather meagre amount of skeletons excavated from the Late Ro­man Period cemeteries of the SE Transdanubia it were unsafe to draw far-reaching inferences ; what can be stated is that the population of the area under discussion is characterized by heterogeneity, a statement substantiated also by the subgroups, distinguishable on the basis of the taxonomical characters. Comparative analysis In the comparative analysis of the material, I have mainly relied on regional chronological points of view, with due attention to the data published by J. NEMES­KÉRI for the Brigecian (1956) and Intercisian (1954) findings, further for Csákvár (1956), by T. TÓTH from Bogád (1961), and by L. BABTUCZ for Hódmezővásárhely (Sarmatian Period ; 1961). The comparative data are given in Tables XVII and XVIII, based on T. TÓTH'S comparative table (1961), and completed with the arithmetical means calculated from the facial height and facial indices of the male series as well as the individual data of the female series. By comparing the racial-diagnostically significant index-data of the MARTIN program, it can be established that the male remains, originating from the SE Trans­danubia, resemble the material from Bogád, whilst the females show similarities with that from Csákvár. Similarly to the Bogád material, the male group from the SE Transdanubian area is characterized by the medium long head (mesocrany), the

