Szekessy Vilmos (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 57. (Budapest 1965)

Gozmány, L.: Tineid moths collected by Dr. Szunyoghy in Tanganyika in 1960 (Lepidoptera)

Male genital organ (Fig. 11): uncus beak-shaped, erect, strongly sclerotized simi­larly to apically fused uncus, tegumen wide, vinculum bridge-shaped, valva spatulate, broad, anal section of intestine and mantica similarly strong, rugose, aedoeagus slightly sinuous with numerous small serrations apically, apex and vesica complicated, hardly interprétable; saccus also beak-like, small. The new species stands considerably isolated, as regards external appearances, from all known congeners (subnigrata MEYRICK, 1917; chloroptera MEYRICK, 1920; albonigrella (Am­sel, 1953)), which, again, can hardly be distinguished from one another by the external mor­phological characters alone (cf. AMSEL, 1. c, fig. 15 a, a photograph of albonigrella) . Concern­ing the genital organ, the almost semicircular valva and the thick, complicated aedoeagus separates it sufficiently from the allied taxa. Type material: Holotype: ,,Nata, Tanganyika, B. E. Africa, 20. II. 1960 (gen. prep. 1823)"; 2 paratypes of same data, but 23 February, 1960.

