Szekessy Vilmos (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 57. (Budapest 1965)

Móczár, L.: Remarks of some types of Drynini and Gonatopodini (Hymenoptera)

As additions to the description, I submit: Black, excepting mandibles, with black basis and red teeth, fore tibiae, gena, most part of tarsi paler. Wings hyaline, pterostigma and veins R X (RICHARDS 1956 p. 28) R S , Sc-f R, C brown, distinct; M-f Guj, 1A, M and Sc-f- R of hind wing very pale. Head almost one and a half times broader, than thorax at tegulae (22 : 16), deeply emarginate behind, lengthened behind eyes, no occipital margin; ocelli forming a very obtuse triangle, POL : OOL =5:4, hind ocelli much nearer to eyes than to one another, a shallow pit before and on both sides of ocellar triangle; eyes very convex, with dense short hair; frons distinctly convex, finely sculp­tured, weakly shining, space between eyes on upper face almost twice as wide as length of eyes (14 : 8), a short furrow beginning from fore ocellar-pit; malar space as long as 3rd antenna! segment. Mandible with 3 teeth, maxillary palpi (Fig. 42) Fig. 42 — 46. Dicondylus pusillus (SZÉPLIGETI), 42: maxillary and 43: labial palpi, 44: genitalia, vetitra view, 45: eighth and 46: ninth abdominal sternite with five segments, first very short, fifth not considerably longer than fourth; labial palpi with two segments (Fig. 43). Antennae somewhat longer than head and thorax together, segment 1 slightly shorter than 3 and longer than 2, segment 3 twice and a half times as long as its length, length of segments 1—10= 4 : 3 : 5 : 4.5 : 4.5 : 4.5:4 : 4 : : 4 : 7. Tempora thickened especially behind eyes. Pronotum very short, almost indis­cernible from above, mesonotum, scutellum, postscutellum and pleuron alutaceous, rather shining; mesonotum about twice as long as scutellum (10 : 5) and one and a third times narrower than its breadth (15); cuneoli distinct (by 100 magnification); postscutellum half as long as propodeum (4:8); scutellum, postscutellum and pro­podeum separated from each other by transverse crenate furrows propodeuin quadr­angular, only slightly broader than its length (9 :8), with a short and weak longi­tudinal depression whereas surface dull rugulose, dorsal surface about as long as posterior one (in lateral view) constituting an obtuse angle. Fore metatarsus at most as long as next two segments. Fore wings with pterostigma at least twice as long as broad till origin of R 3 , distally tapering very gradually to R X : R 3 curved only to a small extent, and symmetrical with R X , separated from margin of wing by about one quarter of its length, therefore 3R X (= radialcell) open. Abdomen somewhat longer than head and thorax together, smooth and shining; ninth sternite (Fig. 46) with stalk as long as about half its broader margin, and with about 9 spots and brist­les: eighth sternite transparent with some sporadic bristles (Fig. 45). Genitalia (Fig. 44) with penis valvae (RICHARDS 1956 p. 48) converging at apex, with some smaller

