Szekessy Vilmos (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 57. (Budapest 1965)

Móczár, L.: Remarks of some types of Drynini and Gonatopodini (Hymenoptera)

Fig. 16 — 21. Chalcogonatopus poly chromus (MARSHALL), 16: labial and 17: maxillary palpi, 18: chela and tarsal segment 4 of fore leg, 19: fore tibia, 20: fore tarsal segment 2 — 4, 21 : mandible extended by PERKINS (1907 p. 15) as follows: „in some of the species now described the head is not concave above . . .". Consequently, G. polichromus must be transferred to the genus Chalcogonatopus. At the same time, RICHARDS'S description (1939 p. 195) ought also to be completed as: „head excavated" with „or not" and the above mentioned character concerning the fore trochanter. Chalcogonatopus polychromus (MARSHALL) Gonatopus polychromus MARSHALL, 1905, Spec. Hym., 9, p. 105 9 Pl- IV. fig. 6 Gonatopus polychromus: 1906, KIEFFER, Spec. Hym., 9, p. 500, 506 Gonatopus (Platygonatopus) polychromus: 1907, KIEFFER, Gen. Insect., 54, p. 19. Pl. I. Fig. 16 Platygonatopus polychromus: 1914, KIEFFER, Das Tierreich, 41, p. 93. Fig. 51 Platygonatopus polychromus: 1928, BERLAND, Faune de France, 19, p. 149 9 Platygonatopus polychromus: 1932, PICARD, Bull. Soc. ent. France, 37, p. 29 Fig. 204 According to MARSHALL (1905 p. 105) : „Patrie. France méridionale: un exem­plaire capturé aux environs de Cette". The data of the specimen to be found in Coll. Hung. Mus. are as follows: „Cetté, polychromus M. Coll. MARSHALL", in KIEFFER'S writing, „244", „polychromus M." in MARSHALL'S writing, „Platygonatopuspolychro­mus K. typ." in BIRO'S writing (red label); this one must indubitably be the holo­type. A part of MARSHALL'S diagnosis was rectified by KIEFFER (1906, p. 506, 1914, p. 93) namely vertex (more exactly upper face) lies a little deeper than eyes, but it is not „excavated", moreover, between the central keel and the inner margins of eyes slightly convex. According to MARSHALL (1905 p. 105): „métathorax . . . presque lisse sur sa partie déclive". Fore, concave part of propodeum (-metathorax) really with a longitudinal and rather deep furrow but hind part distinctly transversely striated. This difference was mentioned by PICARD (1932 p. 29) on a specimen cap­tured by BERNARD in „Saint—Aygelf". According to MARSHALL: „ et fémurs

