Szekessy Vilmos (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 57. (Budapest 1965)

Ujhelyi, J.: Data to the sectio Bulbosae and sectio Caespitosae of the genus Koeleria. V.

long. Also this measurement fluctuates according to the altitude. These blades are rather expanding, attenuating gradually into a mucronate apex; the sheath is auri­culate, the ligule bilaterally ciliate. The ligule is 0.8— 1 cm long, rounding, its mar­gins pilose. The base of the culm is never incrassate, and puberulous below the panicle. This latter is rather oval or slightly pyramidal, mottled. Against the violet­greyish green glumae and lemmae, the palea is snow-white. Their sizes also vary in accordance with the altitude of the locality. It is usually 3— 5 cm long, attaining even 6 cm'whereas it is merely 1.5 cm long on the upper border of its range. Its loose, lobate state is the result of the development of the primary and secondary pedicels. These latter are minutely and densely hairy. The spikelet is at most 5 cm long, glabrous, greyish-violet, squatter than those of the preceding Series. The glumae are slightly unequal. The lower is 3.8 mm long, the upper one aristate, 4.9 mm long, the lemma 4— 4.5 mm long, also strongly aristulate, the palea 4 mm long, bicarinato, hyaline (Plate I, Fig. 4). In the epidermal structure of the leaf, the costal zone is very weakly, the inter­costal one strongly, developed, with vestiges of the macro-hairs. The measurements of the cells, as well as those of the entire plant, refer to diploidy (eventually tetra­ploidy). The area of the plant is restricted in Transylvania to the SE and S Carpathians. It inhabits only the alpine and subalpine regions. Specimina examinata: In Carpal, orient., in montibus Ceahläu. In rupibus calcareo-cong. montis Tosca. Alt. 1800—1900 m.s.m., 26 Aug., 1955, T. Pócs, sub nomine Koeleria gracilisPERs. /transsilvanica (SCHUR)/; Carpath, orient. Alpes Ceahlau. In rupestri­bus calcareo-conglomer. montis Tosca, 1700 — 1900 m, 1956, VIII, 8, A. BORHIDI, sub nomine Koeleria gracilis PERS. var. colorata HEUFF. (hb. Soó) ; Nagyhagymás, an Felsen, kalk. 1600 — 1700 m, 13, VIII, 1890 m. s. m., WEBERBAUER, sub nomine Koeleria cristata (L.) PERS. var. transsylvanica SCHUR ; Comit. Csik. In lapidosis ad cacumen montis Nagyhagymás pr. Balán­bánya, alt. cca 1700 m, 13, VII, 1911, A. de DEGEN, schedula DOMINÍ: Koeleria gracilis v. typica!!, ibidem altera exemplaria: schedula DOMINÍ: Koeleria gracilis PERS. var. Rohlenae DOMIN, det, DOMIN; Comit. Csik, in lapidosis ad cacumen montis Öcsém-teteje pr. Balán­bánya, alt. 1700 m, 24, VII. 1911, Á. de DEGEN, scripta DOMINÍ: Koeleria gracilis PERS. var. Rohlenae, idem altera exemplaria: scripta DOMINÍ: K. gracilis v. Rohlena (haud typica!!); Comit. Csik, in cacumine montis „Nagyhagymás" pr. Balánbánya, alt. c. 1700 m, sol. calc., 28, VII. 1911, A. de DEGEN, scripta DOMINÍ: Koeleria gracilis PF.RS. var. colorata (HEUFF.) DOM., not in the Herbarium of the Botanical Department. (Hb. NYÁRÁDY, Hb. BOROS); Comit. Csik, adlateram saxosam montis Nagyhagymás supra pagum Bálán, alt. 1500 — 1700 m, solo calc., 10, VII, 1921, E. GY. NYÁRÁDY (Hb. NYÁR.) ; Transsilvania, distr. Ciuc (Csik), Juli 1938, E. J. NYÁRÁDY cum filio (Hb. NYÁR.) ; In Carpat. orient., in montibus Csiki Hava­sok, in rupibus calcareis montis Nagyhagymás, supra pag. Balánbánya, alt. ca. 1750 m, 20, aug. 1955, T. Pócs, sub nomine Koeleria pyramidata (LAM.) DOMIN /montana Hausm.; Transsilvania, Com. Brassó, in montis „Csukás" cca 1400 m, substr. conglom., 22, jul, 1911, E. GY. NYÁRÁDY, schedula DOMINÍ: K. transsilvanica SCHUR (Hb. NYÁR.); Csukás, Zanoaga et Bratarea, 1500 — 1800 m, 1950, Al. Buia, sub nomine Koeleria cristata var. transsilvanica SCHUR (Hb. NYÁR.); Transsilvaniae alpes ad opp. Brassó: Krisztián mare, 1880, aug. 4 — 5, L. SIMKOVICS, sub nomine Koeleria cristata var. glabra KOTSCHY exs. Nr. 20 (1851) ; Transsil­vania, in alpe Kőhavas, 1886, jul. 7 — 8, L. SIMONKAI, sub nomine Koeleria transsilvanica SCHUR; Transsilvania, in alpe Csukás, 1886, jul. 11, L. SIMONKAI, sub nomine Koelaria transsilvanica SCHUR; Transsilvania, in monte Schuler ad Brassó, julio, F. SCHUR, sub no­mine Koeleria transsilvanica SCHUR, ÖBZ, VII. (1857) 313, IX. 159; SCHUR En. 750. - This specimen, whose label had been written by L. SIMONKAI, Avas received into the Collection of the Botanical Department from SIMONKAI'S herbarium; Schulergipfel (Kronstadt) Kalk, 1800 m, VII, 1894, Schübe, sub nomine Koeleria cristata (L.) PERS. V. transsilvanica SCHUR, orig. ab Hb. PAX; Transsilvania, in m. Schüler supra Brassó, VII, 1913 sub nomine Koeleria transsilvanica SCHUR; Comit. Brassó, in graminosis lapidosis montis Schuller ad Coronam, 18, VI. 1908, A. de DEGEN, scripta Domini: Koeleria gracilis PERS. var. Rohlenae DOM.; Flora Transsilvanica, Schulerspitze, 26/7, 94, leg. C. BAENITZ, sub nomine Koeleria transsilvanica SCHUR (DR. C. BAENITZ Herbarium Europaeum, No (Hb. U.Z.); Transsilv., Schüler 1805 m,

