Szekessy Vilmos (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 55. (Budapest 1963)

Topál, Gy.; Tusnádi, Gy.: Data for the craniometric investigation of Myotis myotis Borkh. and Myotis oxygnathus Montic. in Hungary (Mammalia)

data for the cranio metric investigation of myotis 54i> from the investigations that, in the course of a discrimnatory process of a statis­tical character, it is advisable to study also the allometric variations, lest the differences deriving from size be assessed incorrectly. Beyond referring to diffe­rences in size, allometric examinations also allow some insight into changes of a deeper and thus structural origin, and hence surely contribute to a correcter taxonomic evaluation. It were an interesting future study to compare popula­tions of the two species inhabiting different areas. Such investigations would surely assist in the final solution of the problem. References: 1. ÉHIK, GY. : A new vole from Hungary and an interesting bat new to the Hungarian Fauna (Ann. Hist.-nat. Mus. Nat. Hung., 21, 1924, p. 159— 162). — 2. ELLERMAN, J. B. & MORRISON — SCOTT , T. C. S. : I'alearctic and Indian Mammals 1758—1946 (London, 1951). —3. GAISLER, J. & HANÁK, V. : Über einen Fund von Myotis oxygnathus Monticelli in der Tseheehoslovakei (Acta Soc. Zool. Bohemoslov.; 20, 1956, p. 364—365). — 4. HARRISON, D. L. & LEWIS, B. E. : The Large Mouse-eared Bats of the Middle East, with description of a new sub­species (Journ. Mamm., Î2, 1961, p. 372—380). — 5. Ky35IKHH, A. II.: JleTymie MbiuiM (MocKBa, 1950). — 6. MÉHELY , L. : Monographia Chiropterorum Hungáriáé (Budapest, 1900). — 7. MILLER, G. S. : Catalogue of the Mammals of Western Europe (London, 1912). — 8. BÖHRS , M. : Allometrie und Systematik (Ztschr. f. Säugetierk., 2<>, 1961, p. 130—137). — 9. TOPÁL, GY . : The movements of bats in Hungary (Ann. Hist.-nat. Mus. Nat. Hung., Ser. nov. 7, 1956, p. 477—489). 10. TOPÁL, GY. : Morphological Studies on the os penis of bats in the Carpathian Basin (Ann. Hist.-nat. Mus. Nat. Hung.. 50, 1958, p. 331—342). — 11. WEBER, E. : Grundriss der biologischen Statistik für Naturwissenschaftler und Mediziner (Jena, 1960). K KP AH HO M ETP H H MYOTIS MYOTIS itOltkll. H MYOTIS OXYGNATHUS MOIVTIC. Ab. TOIIAJ1 (ByAaneiuT) n ßb. TYlHHAflH (KecTxeii) AJIH BBIHCHEHIIFL cucTeMaTimecKoro noJioweHiifl M. myotis n M. oxygnathus 3BTO­paMH npHMeHflJincb MaTeMaTimecKne mctoah, KOTopbie B nccjieAOBaHUflx jieTymix Mbiiueu AO eux nop eme He obiJin ncn0Jib303aHbi. /I-Jifl aHaau3a AHCKnuMHHauHH ucnoji bsoBaaocb 6 ôojiee Ba>KHbix pa3MepoB lepena no 10 S ooonx BIIAOB (CM. TaÖJi. I—III u puc. 7—8). AJIJIOMETPIMECKIIM MCTOAOM NPOBOAUJIOCB cpaBHeHne 6 pa3MepoB Mepena 29 <? M. myotis H 64 (J ]\I. oxygnathus, KOTopbie ObiJin conocTaBJieHbi c pa3MepaMH K0HAUJi00a3ajibH0H AJiiiHi)i (puc. 1—6 n Taöji. IV). Pc3yjibTaTbi, nojiyieHHbie aBTopaMii noKa3ajin, MTO MewAy ajuiOMeTpuMecKHMii TeHAeHuu>iMH pa3MepoB ABVX iiccJieAOBaHHbix BUAOB cviuecTByioT oTKJiOHeHHH cucTCMaTHMecKoro xapaKTepa.

