Szekessy Vilmos (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 53. (Budapest 1961)

Halász, M.: The microvegetation of the acrothermae of Harkány

Drouet & Daily (Butl. Univ. Bot. Stud., 12, 1956) identify the species and its varieties with Coccochloris stagnina Sprengel, allocating them in the genus Coccochloris. Occurrence : a) On the wall of the cooling basins, together with the type, in Harkány; d) Bukit Kili, East Sumatra (Geitler&Ruttner, 1936). Aphanothece nidulans P. Rieht., 1884 Aphanothece subachroa Hansg., Prodr. Alg. Fl. Böhmen., II, 1892, p. 138 ; Aphanothece nidulans P. Richter, Bot. Notiser, 1884, p. 128. Specimens occurring in Harkány 1—1,5 p in diameter and 2,1 — 3,5 p long, hut also 4,4 p long cells present. (Probably cells in division.) No smaller cells observed. — Hansgirg, however, described (H a n s g. 1892, p. 137) cells 1 p long by the name var. h thermalis, from the acrothermae of Carlsbad. Since this variety too differs only in the smaller dimensions of the cells from the type, as admitted also by Hansgirg, it might be regarded as a physiologically different form of the type. — Specimens in Harkány form colonies from elongat­ed, bluish-grey cells ; colonies as small nests among other algae. Gelatinous sheath of colony easily diffluent, colorless. Gollerbach, Koshinskaja&Polianskij consider the type as a synonym of Aphanothece saxicola Näg. f. nidulans (P. Rieht.) Elenk. (E 1 e n k i n, Monogr. Alg. Cyanophyc, 1, 1938, p. 151 ; Gollerbach, 1953, p. 83). The measurements published by Elenkin (1—2«, that is, 2—6 p) unite the values of Hansgir g's var. h with those of the type. Gardner, and also Drouet & Daily describe this species, with cells of 0,5—2 p dimensions, by the name Anacystis nidulans Gardner (Mem. New York Bot. Gard., 7, 1927, p. 24) and Anacystis nidulans Dr. & Daily (Butl. Univ. Bot. Stud., 10, 1952, p. 221), and then redescribe it again as Anacystis marina Dr. & Daily (Butl. Univ. Bot. Stud., 12, 1956, p. 44). Occurrence : a ) Floating free, and on the walls of the cooling basins in Harkány ; £>) The Félix Bath, Nagyvárad (Palik 1949); cj Karlsbad (Hansgirg 1892); d) Tjibodas, West Java (Geitler&Ruttner 1936) ; Yellowstone Park, N. America (Copeland 1936). Aphanothece caldariorum P. Rieht., 1880 Hedwigia, 1880, p. 192. ; Aphanothece caldariorum ß. muralis (Tomasch.) Hansg., Prodr. Alg. Fl. v. Böhmen, 1892, p. 136 and var. ß. cavernarum Hansg. (1. c, p. 137) ; Bot. Centralbl., 37, 1889. p. 36. Colonies gelatinous, protuberant or diffluent, bluish-green to greyish­green, rarely violaceous. Dimensions of cells agree with those of type, 1,7—2,1 p wide, up to 8 p long. Cell much elongated cylindrical, pale bluish, almost colorless. Not lamellated, distinct sheath around cells, as noted also by Geitler (1930, p. 169). Nannocyte formation occurs by division of cells in three directions ; nannocytae about 0,8—1,0 p in diameter. Gollerbach, Koshinskaja & Polianskij draw it under Gloeothece caldariorum (P. Rieht.) Gollerb. (1953, p. 112, f. 62,2.) ; Drouet & Daily consider the species as a synonym of Coccochloris Dr. & Daily (Lloydia, 11, 1948, p. 78). Oi v^rrence : a) On the walls of the cooling basins at a temperature of 30°—54° C in the thermae of Harkány ; d) Yellowstone Park, N. America (Copeland 1936). Copeland was the first to find it in a thermal locality; Hansgirg (1892) and Geitler (1930) list it only ír m the walls of hot-houses.

