Boros István (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 50. (Budapest 1958)

M. Nyírő, R.: The studying of Foraminifera in thin sections

On the basis of our studies, it was shown that the initial chamber of every Foraminifera examined is circular in the cases of both the arenaceous and the calcareous forms, that is, independently of shape and material of test. Generally, thin section studies may answer also taxonomical problems and systematical connexions. By their use, also relationships and transitional forms have been possible to observe. As I have mentioned also in my introduction, it appeared during my work that it is more advisable and assures a better and more systematical treatise to examine the specimens by genera and, within them, by formations. I deem it especially important to work out systematically the thin section pictures of the genera of arenaceous forms. By the use of an adequate microtechnical equipment, we shall obtain valuable data also for the structure of the test walls of Foraminifera. Bibliography: 1. Baker, W.H.V. : A simple technique for extracting microfossib (The Micropaleontologist, 5, No. 4, 1951, p. 39). — 2. Bandy, O. L. & M e r r i a m, R. H.; Test wall microstructure as a basis for separating Nonion and Elphidium (Geol. Soc. America Bull. 62, 1951, p. 1521). — 3. Bartenstein, H.: Stand der mikropäleontologischen Arbeit­technik in Deutschland (Pal. Z. Stuttgart, 28, 1954, p. 208—212). — 4. Beckmann, H.: Hilfsmittel zum Schleifen von Mikro-Fossilien (Pal. Z. Stuttgart, 24, 1950, p. 91—94). — 5. Bronnimann, P.: Internal structure of Cyclammina cancellata (Jour. Paleontology, 25, 1951, p. 756—761). — 6. B r o t s e n, F.: Methods and techniques routine work (The Micro­paleontologist, 4, No. 2, 1950, p. 18—20). — 7. C u s h m a n, J. A.: Foraminifera. Their clas­sification and economic use (ed. 4, Cambridge, 1950). — 8. C z j z e k, J.: Fossile Foramini­feren (Wien, 1847). — 9. E m i 1 i a n i, C: Notes on thin sectioning of smaller Foraminiferen (Jour. Paleontology, 25, 1951, p. 531—532). —• 10. Glaessner, M. F.: Principles of micro­paleontology (Carlton, Victoria, Melbourne, University Press, 1945). — 11. Hagn, H.: A new method of preparing oriented thin sections of Foraminifera and other small paléontologie spe­cimens (The Micropaleontologist, 7, No. 1, 1953, p. 34—43). — 12. Hagn, H.: Ein neues Verfahren zur Anfertigung orientierter Dünnschliffe kleiner paläontologischer Objekte (Pal. Z. Stuttgart, 27, 1953, p. 26—31). — 13. H a g n, H. & B a r t k e 1, K. W.: Neuere Erfahrun­gen mit Polestar bei präparativen Arbeiten (Pal. Z. Stuttgart, 30, 1956, p. 207-—212). — 14. H a g n, H. & Z i e g 1 e r, J.: Zur Entstehung ,,pseudolabirinthisclier" Strukturen bei sand­scbaligen Foraminiferen (Pal. Z. Stuttgart, 31, 1957, p. 66—67). — 15. H a n t k e n, M.: A Cla­vulina Szabói rétegek faunája (Fóldt. Int. Évk. 4, 1875). —• 16. H o f k er, J.: Arenaceus tests in Foraminifera chalk or silica? (The Micropaleontologist, 8, No. 3, 1953, p. 65—66). — 17. H u s s e y, Keith M. & Campell, C. B.: A new method of sample preparation (Jour. Paleonto­logy, 25, 1951. p. 224—226). — 18. Johansen, A.: Schliffe durch Cristellarien aus Ober­kreide und Tärcier (Pal. Z.Stuttgart, 25, 1952, p. 181—192). — 19. Kr emp, G.: Preparation of oriented sections of microfossils (The Micropaleontologist, 7, No. 1, 1953, p. 29—'33). — 20. Kremp, G. & Johst, W.: Einige Microfossilien des Oberkarbons und Verfahren zur Gewinnung von Schliffen solcher oft sehr harten Objekte (Geol. Jahrb. Hannover, 66, 1951, p. 151—161). — 21. L i e b u s, A.: Die fossilen Foraminiferen (Praha, 1931). —• 22. M a j z o n, L.: Adatok egyes Kárpátaljai flis-rétegekhez, tekintettel a Globotruncanákra (Földt. Int. Evk., 37, No. 1, 1943). — 23. M a 11 h e s, H. W.: Einführung in die Mikropaläontologie (S. Hirzel Verlag, Leipzig, 1956). — 24. N a g a p p a, Y.: Photography of thin sections (The Micropale­ontologist, 8, No. 1, 1954, p. 38—39). — 25. P o k o r n y, V.: Základy zoologické mikropale­ontologie (Ceskoslovenské Akademie, Praha, 1954). — 26. R e m o n d, C. D.: Chamber arrange­ment in Foraminifera (in reply to comments by Hofker (The Micropaleontologist, 8, No. 2, 1954, p. 36). — 27. S 1 a m a, Don C: Arenaceous tests in Foramiuifera-experiment (The Micro­paleontologist, 8, No. 2. 1954, p. 33—34). — 28. S t a c h, E.: Lehrbuch der Kohlenmikroskopie ( Glückauf-Verlag, Essen, 1949). — 29. T e 1 e g d i—R o t h, K.: Ősállattan (Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, 1953). —• 30. T u 11 e 1, 0.: Preparation of oriented thin sections (Jour. Geol. Chicago, 58, 1950, p. 73—74). — 31. V a d á s z, E.: Bakonyi triász Foraminiferák (Balaton Tudományos Tanúim. Eredm., 1. Pal. függ., 1910). — 32. van V o o r t h u y s e n, J. H.: Remarks on the internal structure of the shells of Ammonoidea, Gastropoda and Foraminifera —• with a short introduction on biostratigraphy and paleo-ecology (Pal. Z. Stuttgart, 26, p. 30—40).

