Boros István (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 8. (Budapest 1957)

Gozmány, L.: Notes on the generic group Symmoca Hbn. (Lep. Gelechiidae)

of the membrane. It cannot be confused with any other species. Gen. prep. 5 Symmoca, made by T a m s of the type (fig. 8 : D). undecimpunctellus Mann 1864. The sharply arched and spatulate head of the dorsal appendage in its male organ differentiates it genitally from epentheti­cus Meyr., with a more evenly arched dorsal appendage ; whilst the aedeagus of pales Gozm. is twice as long. Gen. prep. 103, Sucurac D, Istria, 5. VI. 1924, leg. Novak (fig. 8 : A). Symmocoides Amsel 1938. Labial palpi porrect to ascending, antennae almost 1/1. Fore wing slowly tapering to a point. Venation : r x before middle of cell, r 2 near it, r 3 further removed (!), from upper angle of cell, conascent with the long-stalked r 4 + 5 , r 5 to apex, medians from equidistant points of origin, m 3 conascent with coincident and arched cubitals. Hind wing as broad as fore wing, tapering. Venation : rr + rrii on a long stalk, m 1 just below apex, no connection between discoidal stalk of medians, end of cell between m 2 and coincident m 3 -j- cu 1; cu 2 far re­moved (fig. 2 : B). Since the generotype oxybiella Mill., was represented in Amse l's collec­tion by a highly aberrant (teratological?) specimen, the genus is restricted to its new generotype (relegated to it at the time of its description), similis Ams. Oxybiella Mill, belongs to Amselina Gozm. (see above). similis Amsel 1938. Its male organ is distinguished by the very long dorsal appendage, its head evenly arched, and its point just touching the costa. There is no other species of a similar construction in the material examined by me so far. Gen. prep, made by Amsel of S. similis f. albella Ams. (fig. 8 : F). Telephirca gen. n. Head haired loosely forward ; labial palpi recurved, ascending, short, second joint thickened by hairs, third thick, elevated ; antennae thick, every second joint with ciliae. Fore wing slowly tapering. Venation : r x from before middle, r 2 nearer to r 3 than r x , r 4+5 on a long stalk from upper angle of cell, medians from equidistant points of origin, m 3 + cu x coincident from lower angle of cell, cu 2 far removed. Hind wing as broad as second, slowly tapering, blunt, not pointed. Venation : sc to 3/4, rr + rrij on long stalk, end of cell between m 2 and coinci­dent m 3 + cuj, cu 2 far removed (fig. 2 : C). Generotype : quadrifariella Mann. quadrifariella Mann 1855 ( = ochreopicta Walsingham 1901), gen. prep. 139, Corte, Corsica, 13. VI. 1898, No. 83494, leg. W a is i n g h a m, 22/2, coll. W a 1 s i n g h a m, coll. Amsel, paratype). The breadth of the fore wings of some specimens vary, as also the intensity and ochreous coloration of the pattern. Its male organ is distinguished by the small dorsal and the medially situated and rather long, pointed costal appendage, but mainly by the construction of the uncus + gnathos, which approaches that of the Dicranuche — Autosticha — Syrmadaula generic groups. Gen. prep. 524, Corsica, 9. VI. 1855, leg. Mann, designated as lectoholotype (fig. 8 : E).

