Boros István (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 8. (Budapest 1957)

Baksay, L.: The chromosome numbers and cytotaxonomical relations of some European plant species

submountainous areas of the Alps, and on lower places in their northern slopes. It occurs in Hungary on rocky soils and pebbles at the Bakonyalja in the Trans­•danubium. C. montana is a montane, Quercetalia-species, indifferent to soils. 23. ! Festuca pseudodalmatica Krajina. 2n = 28 (4x). Diósjenő, Mts. Börzsöny, under the peak of the Nagymána, on andezité, in Festucetum pseudo­dalmaticae association. It cannot be synonymized either from a morphological or a cytological point of view with F. sulcata, having chromosome numbers 2n = 42, which, was also established by Horánszky on the basis of anatomical characters. 24. Festuca Tatrae (Czakó) Degen. 2n = 14 (2 x). The Béla limestone Alps, in the High Tatra, Czechoslovakia (circa 1300 in), Festucetum Tatrae association, its character species. This is a subalpine-montane species on limestone and dolomite, ranging in the western part of the Northern Carpathians, the SW part of Galizia and northern Slovakia. Previous counting for F. Tatrae was made by Brandberg (1948) and S k a 1 i n s k a (1957) on the plant in the same region. The chromosome number of the related F. amethystina is 2n = 28, published first by Stähl in and also corroborated by the present author in a former paper (1956). The structural pictures of the epidermis of the two spe­cies — very suitable for specific identification in the Gramineae — are identical, differring only in size characteristical of di- and tetraploids. On the basis of the concurrence of the morphological and anatomical characters, the diploid F. Tatrae has its conforming tetraploid in F. amethystina. Litardière (1950) established the chromosome number of F. amethystina L. var. eu-amethystina St. Y. subvar. genuina St. Y. as 2n = 14, yet, doubtlessly, we are dealing here with nothing else but the diploid F. Tatrae, synonymized formerly with the species F. amethystina. This latter has 2 subspecies and 3 varieties, of which the description of var. genuina is highly similar to that of F. Tatrae, and it is highly possible* that the species in question is one and the same. The plant of Litardière originated from the botanical gardens of Lau­sanne and so we are not cognizant of its natural locaility, yet we suppose that F. Tatrae may occur also in the area of the Alps. More extensive cytological examinations will probably clarify our knowledge concerning the range of F. Tatrae which will, at the same time, shed light on the place of origin and the direction of spreading of F. amethystina. Bibliography: 1. Baksay, L.: Cytotaxonomical Studies on the Flora of Hungary (Ann. Hist. Nat. Mus. Hung. 7, 1955). — 2. B o r b á s, V.: Balaton tavának és partmellé­kének növényföldrajza (Budapest, 1900). — 3. B o w d e n, W.: A list of chromosome numbers in higher plants. I. (Am. J. of Bot. 32, 1945). — 4. B r a n d b e r g, B.: On the Chromosome Numbers of some Species of Festuca sect. Ovinae (Arkiv för Bot. 33, B. No. 3, 1948). —• 5. Darlington­—Janaki-Ammal: Chromosome Atlas of Cultivated Plants (London 1945). — 6. D o s t á 1, J.: Kvetena. CSR. (Praha, 1950). — 7. Homey er: Beiträge z. Kenntnis d. Cytologie u. Systematik d. Rubiaceen (Bot. Jahrb. 67, 1936). — 8. Horánszky, A.: Die Kenntnis d. Festuca-Arten auf Grund der Blattepidermis (Act. Bot. Acad. Sei. Hung. 7, 1954). — 9. Jávorka, S.: Magyar Flóra (Budapest, 1925). — 10. J á v o r k a, S.: A Carex Fritschii Waisb.-ró'l (AGH. 3, 1940). — 11. K I i k a, J.: Die Gesellschaften des Festucion vallesiacae Verbandes in Mitteleuropa (Stud. Bot. Cech. 2,1939). — 12. Krajina, J.: apud D o m i n : Schedae ad floram Cechoslovenicam Exiccatam Cent. II. (Act. Bot. Boh. 9, 1930). — 13. P ó 1 y a, L.: Magyarországi növényfajok kromoszóma számai II. (Ann. Biol. Univ. Debreceniensis, /, 1950). — 14. Sax, K.: Polyploidy and geo­* There is no foreign material of F. amthysiina in the herbarium of the Museum

