Horváth Géza (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 23. (Budapest 1926)

Esaki, T.: Notes on some species of Acanthosoma. (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)

3. Acanthosoma expansum HORV. (Plate IV. fig. 7—9.) Acanthosoma expansum HORVÁTH, Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., III. p. 413. (1905). The types of this species (1 cf , 1 9) are in the Hungarian National Museum, Budapest. The species seems rather rare in Japan, and hitherto known only from the island ol Hokkaido. The genital segments of both sexes drawn from the types are given in the present paper. 4. Acanthosoma coralliferum HORV. (Plate IV." fig. 10—11.) Acanthosoma coralliferum HORVÁTH, Termesz. Füzet., XII. p. 34. (1889) ; DISTANT, Faun. Brit. Ind., Rhynch., I. p. 316. (1902). The type of this species is a single male specimen in very poor condition, lacking the head and genital segments. There is, however, another female specimen besides the type determined by HORVÁTH as this species in the collection of the Hungarian National Museum, Budapest. This species is bright-green with the humeral angles of pronotum scarlet, being similar in this respect to A. labiduroides JAK. The locality of the two specimens mentioned above is Himalaya, the latter being labelled „Kulu 7000 ft." 5. Acanthosoma distinctum DALL. Acanthosoma distinctum DALLAS, List. Hem., I. p. 304. (1851); REUTER, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr., XXV. p. 75 (1881); DISTANT, Faun. Brit. Ind., Rhynch., 1. 316. fig. 198. (1901). This species was described from N. India. Afterwards J. SCOTT recorded for the first time an Acanthosoma from Japan under this name. [Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) IV. p. 290 (1874)], and was followed by many authors. It is almost sure, however, that the species examined by SCOTT is not A. distinctum DALL., but A. expansum HORV., as Dr. HORVÁTH told me, that in the collection of DISTANT, specimens of the latter species from Japan are being determined as A. distinctum. The species recorded by UHLER [Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIX. p. 257 (1896)] and described by MATSUMURA [Thous. Ins. Jap., Addit., I. p. 127. tab. 13. fig. 10. (1913)] and ESAKI (Insect World, Gifu, XIX. p, 95—100. (1915)] as A. distinctum DALL. does not belong to it nor to A. expansum HORV., but to A. denti­cauda JAK. Thus, in reality, this species is known only from North India. 6. Acanthosoma denticauda JAK. (Plate IV. fig. 12—14.) Acanthosoma denticaudum JAKOWLEW, Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, LV. 2. p. 387 et 394. (1880) ; REUTER, Rev. d'Ent., VII. p. 202. fig. 2. (1888). Acanthosoma serratula REUTER, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr., XXV. p. 74. (1881). Acanthosoma distinctum UHLER (nec DALLAS), Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIX. p. 257. (1896); MATSUMURA, Thous. Ins. Jap., Addit., I. p. 127. tab. 13. fig. 10. (1913); ESAKI, Insect World, Gifu, XIX. p. 95—100. (1915) ; Ent. Magaz., Kyoto, II. p. 126. fig. 4. (1916).

