Tátrai Vilmos szerk.: A Szépművészeti Múzeum közleményei 92-93.(Budapest, 2000)

SZILÁGYI, JÁNOS GYÖRGY: "Les Adieux". A Column-krater of the Syracuse Painter

5. Attic red-figure column-krater by the Syracuse Painter. Budapest. Museum of Fine Arts board-pattern and raised moveable cheek-pieces, nasal, and nape-piece (left-side cheek­piece has a black contour line outside; of the undecorated inner side of the other only the tip visible). His corselet, worn over the short chitoniskos, is most probably of leather, with a double row of black (bronze?) flaps (pteryges) at bottom; upper part of shoulder straps decorated with a dotted cross pattern; lower flap, just visible over top of shield, is black, perhaps of bronze; a Z-pattem framed by double lines runs straight across the corselet at breast height. His short himation falls shawl-wise over the shoulders; only the right end visible, the other covered by the large round shield. The two concentric circles on the border of the shield are drawn with the compass; the traces left by the point are clearly visible under the belly of the winged horse in black silhouette gallop­ing leftward - the shield device (episema). The ankle-length apron, probably of leather,

