Hedvig Győry: Mélanges offerts a Edith Varga „Le lotus qui sort de terre” (Bulletin du Musée Hongrois des Beaux-Arts Supplément 1. Budapest, 2001)

JOACHIM SLIWA: Egyptian Hall and the Exhibition of Egyptian Art in London, 1821-1822

The attention of the audience was attracted also by the "Egyptian" façade, while the interior, rebuilt a little bit earlier also in Egyptian style - in accor­dance with contemporary tastes - excellently came up to scratch the place ded­icated to the exhibition of the mentioned objects, which were brought to England with the engagement of incredible effort and costs. Belzoni, returning to London after some years of fruitful activity in Egypt, exactly in the interiors of Egyptian Hall presented his rich collection to the audience. Evaluating that exhibition, even with the actual point of view, we must determine that it was conceived in the very modern way and was giving the audience the possibility to experience important impressions. As it appears, except for the genuine relics of the great meaning, the visitors entered to the - reconstructed in two halls - interiors of the tomb of Seti I, discovered by Belzoni in Kings Valley in 1817. 20 This tomb (KV 17) was called "Belzoni's tomb"; its discovery and exhibitions in London was accompanied by the sen­Fig. 3 Egyptian Hall, London. The exhibition of Seti $ tomb in 1821 (after a contemporary print ofTh. Kelly) To the history and state of research on the tomb of Seti I an interesting exhibition prepared by Egyptological Seminary of the Basel University under the direction of E. Hornung and E. Staehelin was devoted. See the catalogue Sethos - ein Pharaonengrab. Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig, Basel 1991 and E. Hornung The Tomb of Pharaoh Seti I. Das Grab Sethes '/, Zürich-München 1991 (with photos made by Harry Burton in 1921).

