A Kassák Múzeum kiállítási katalógusai, kisebb kiadványai

20. századi magyar művészet Dévényi Iván gyűjteményéből

TWENTIETH CENTURY HUNGARIAN ART FROM THE COLLECTION OF IVÁN DÉVÉNYI Iván Dévényi (1929-1977), grammar school teacher, art historian, art critic and collector, assembled a collection of paintings and graphic works between 1951 and 1977 which an overview of 20th century Hungarian fine art's deliberately innovative trands. The art of the century's opening years is represented by two lone geniuses, Tivadar Csontváry Kosztka and Lajos Gulácsy, who each contribute one masterpiece. Hungarian plein air painting is represen­ted by Béla Czóbel's early works, Aurél Bernáth, Ödön Márffy and István Szőnyi's post-1935 works. The works by Czóbel in the collec­tion count themselves as an independent collection; stretching from plein air painting to Fauvism and even almost coming to iden­tify the intellectual community with German Expressionism, he, after several decades' residence in France and Germany, finally estab­lished himself in Szentendre. There are works from every period of his which are of outstanding quality and significance to the field of art history. The Eight and the activists which brought into fashion the avant­garde trends in Hungarian painting in the century's opening years, are spoken for by Dezső Czigány, Ödön Márffy, Lajos Tihanyi and those who followed in their footsteps after 1920 - János Kmetty, Gyula Derkovits and Imre Szobotka. One of modern Hungarian pain­ting's most originally-toned, dramatically-powered representatives, József Egry, who synthesised the expressive craze, the natural ex­perience of pantheism and construktivist tendencies in his art, is present in the collection with one of his masterful self-portraits from the 1930's. In Ivan Dévényi's collection, these same trands also emerge from the section representing the following decades of Hungarian pain­ting, trends which can be incorporated into the universal European evolution in art. Uniting the Surrealist visionary trend with Construc­tivism are Dezső Korniss and Endre Bálint, the exacting and more rationalist Jenő Barcsay's important works, a few of the old Kas­sák's late constructivist works and Béla Kondor s works expressing the tragic sentiment of life lead to the Hungarian painting of the 1970's. The collection closes with works by Imre Ámos, Margit Anna, A KIÁLLÍTÁS TÁMOGATÓI: BÁV, QUALITAS ANTIQUITAS, JELEN IDÖ MŰVÉSZETI ALAPÍTVÁNY, TÉT KFT., PIKTÚRA LAKÁSGALÉRIA 35

