Mészáros Tibor (szerk.): Once I lived, I, Sándor Márai. Patterns from a globetrotting Hungarian's life (Budapest, 2004)
Guest Performance in London. On Sándor Márai's worldwide success. On the exhibition he exhibition about Sándor Máraí being held at the Hungarian Cultural Centre in London is a collection of around one hundred and fifty objects relating to Máraí's life and works. Our aim is to let readers find out more about a writer whose name is now known around the world, but about whose life and person they know very The exhibition has already visited most European countries. It has been to places where Márai's works are becoming ever more widely read. Before the London 'guest performance', the collection could be seen in Budapest (twice), Stuttgart, Munich, Berlin, Hamburg, Milan, Salerno, Warsaw, Apenrade and Groningen. Sándor Márai (b. 1900) was the product of a period in which bourgeois values dominated, and when it was a person’s duty to preserve and transmit these values. According to the writer, this "happy world" ended with the outbreak of World War 1. That was when the continuity broke, when a generation lost its "innocence". This is why we have chosen for the first part of the exhibition brown frames and photos with similar tones, thus evoking the atmosphere of the 19th century. Since the World War meant a sharp break for the growing writer, we hoped to convey this by the use of darker and less warm black frames, running throughout his works. little.