Kapronczay Károly szerk.: Orvostörténeti közlemények 230-233. (Budapest, 2015)

TANULMÁNYOK - Varga Benedek: Semmelweis emlékbeszéd halálának 150. évfordulóján

18 Comm, de Hist. Artis Med. 230-233 (2015) resent for us? Author calls our attention to the fact, that in Semmelweis’ case, not only his discoveries and thought proved to be of abiding value, but during the last 120 years also his fate inspired a number of scientific, popular, non fictional and fictional analysis all over the world. Semmelweis, as a mythic representative of the modem „scientist” still owes a peculiar place in the common memory. His manipulated and partly intentionally coined story - based however on empirical facts - even today represents a relevant message and plays an impor­tant role in the making of the myth of modem physician. Author however emphasizes, that Semmelweis myth represent a somewhat different message for the international public and for the Hungarian one.

