Kapronczay Károly szerk.: Orvostörténeti közlemények 218-221. (Budapest, 2012)

TANULMÁNYOK - Szentesi Réka: A fűzőviselet egészségügyi következményei

SZENTESI R.: A fűzőviselet egészségügyi következményei 85 nem az észérvek és a feminista mozgalmak vetettek véget, hanem maga a divat: Paul Poiret párizsi divattervező az 1910-es években első ízben hagyta el a fűzőt. Motivációja azonban nem a ruhareform volt, hanem egy új nőideál létrehozása.64 Bár a fűző kora, mint elenged­hetetlen mindennapi viseleté ezzel a lépéssel leáldozott, igazából sosem ment ki a divatból: a fűző a nők közkedvelt alsó- és felső ruházata mind a mai napig. RÉKA SZENTESI, MA historian szentesi ,reka@gmail. com SUMMARY Along the spread of feminist and dressreformer ideas, doctors of the late 19th and early 20th century became more and more concerned about the medical consequences of cor- setry. Author found that the corset has been blamed for causing more than 60 different dis­eases. Some doctors argued that corsetry could also lead to death. The most prevalent diseases found in the mentioned sources are as follow: deformities of the ribs, those of the breastbones, the pelvic, curvature of the spine, dispalcements of the internal organs, muscle atrophy, circulatory and respiratory diseases, cancer, birth defects, miscarriages and last but not least disorder of the nervous system, especially hysteria. A historian faces difficulties when attempting to analyse medical diagnoses written in the 19th century. After having discussed each case with Dr Katalin Móczár general physician and some of the cases with Dr Péter Marosvölgyi specialist surgeon, author concludes, that corsets were unlikely to cause all of the illnesses they were blamed for. Although corsetry, especially tight lacing certainly had some medical consequences and certainly influenced women’s physical state, contemporary women did not consider corsetry as a burdain destructing their health. On the contrary, women of the age clung to their corsets despite of the discouragement of medical professionals, feminists and dress reformers. Why did they do so? Because they kept to the fore the social benefits that corsetry meant for them. The social background of the topic however is going to be analysed in another study. 64 A divat története a 18-20. században', a Kyoto Costume Institute gyűjteménye. Fordította Gabos Erika. Buda­pest, 2003. 332.

