Magyar László szerk.: Orvostörténeti Közlemények 170-173. (Budapest, 2000)

ADATTÁR — DOCUMENTS - Magyar, László András: Állatok és betegségnevek

PLINIUS = C. Plini Secundi Naturalis Históriáé libri XXXVII. Recogn. atque indicibus instruxit Ludovicus Janus (Carolus Mayhoff) Lipsiae, Teubner, 1. vol. 1906., 2. vol. 1909, 3. vol. 1892., 4. vol. 1897. PLOUCQUET = Ploucquet, Guilielmus Godofredus de: Literatura medica digesta sive repertórium medicináépracticae... Tubingae, 1809. Tomi I —IV. PSCHYREMBEL = Pschyrembel, Willibald: Klinisches Wörterbuch mit klinischen Syndromen. Berlin —New York, Walter de Gruyter, 1971. RLM — Real-Lexikon der Medizin und ihrer Grenzgebiete. München-Wien-Baltimore, Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1977. 1— V. Bde. TESZ = A magyar nyelv történeti etimológiai szótára. I-— III. Bp., 1967—1976. SUMMARY The historiography of medical terminology has not created yet its comprehensive etymological dictionary. The history of the terminology of illnesses, however seems to be an especially neglected field of research. The present article — as a small step to full this gap — attempts to give a complete list of illnesses named after animals. The collection — arranged in alphabetical order of the Latin or commonly used Hungarian names — consists of more than 150 items. Entries include the first appearance of the name, a short historical explanation of the word or expression and an etymological note, respectively. According to the author this group of termini represents perhaps the most ancient stratum of the medical vocabulary.

