Antall József szerk.: Orvostörténeti közlemények 100. (Budapest, 1982)
CONTENTS ESSAYS É. Rákóczi: The popular scientific work of Walter Hermann Ryff (in German) 9 K. Gál: János Wallaskay (1709-1766) 39 STUDIES — LECTURES P. Mátyás: Physicians of Kolozsvár at the turn of the 16-17th c. (Ferenc Balásfi, Bernád Jacobinus, János Hertel) 61 B. Ringelhann: The apparently invincible disease: malaria 69 /. May: Data to the life of Sámuel Zay, town physician of Komárom 83 DOCUMENTATION A. Szabó — M. Tóth: The medicinal plants in Anna Zay' s Herbal 89 /. Stirling: Hungarian herbal names in a sofar unknown pamphlet by Samuel Diószegi . . 103 REVIEW Books 115 Periodicals 125 CHRONICLE 129