Palla Ákos szerk.: Az Országos Orvostörténeti Könyvtár közleményei 8-9. (Budapest, 1958)

The 100th scientific lecture in the National Library of Medical History

Dr. G. Hatos : The History of Kjeldahlisation. Dr. Prof. P. Kótay : The Basel Doetorial Dissertation of Ferenc Pápai Páriz. Dr. J. Nemeskéri : Tire History of Anthropology. Dr. A. Daday : New Contributions to the Biography of Ágoston Schoepf Merei. Dr. G. Huszár : The Life and Theory of Mór Károlyi. Dr. L. Mihóczy: Treatment of Empyema- and Pleuritis in the Hippocratesian Corpus. 1957 Dr. Prof. I. Csapody: István Csapody, M. D., Senior, 1856 —1912. Dr. A. Daday : Commemoration of Pál Kitaibel, 1757—1957. Dr. G. Görgényi, P. Péczeli, Dr. K. Sági : The History of Hévíz. Dr. A. Petz : The Spread of Arabic Medicine in Europe. Dr. I. Zsakó : The Medico-Theologians of the 16th Century. Dr. Prof. J. Halmai : The History of the "Golden Unicorn", a Pharmacy of Debrecen. Dr. Á. Herczeg : Medical Philosophy on the Basis of Sumovski's Theories. Dr. A. Oláh : The Principle of Natura Medicatrix. Dr. P. Rom : Károly Than and His Influence on the Training in Medical Chemistry. Dr. Prof. F. Kováts : Jean Fernel and His Influence in Medieval Hungarian Medicine. Dr. Prof. G. Morelli : József Árkövy. Dr. L. Passuth : The Biological Views of Descartes in the Light of His Work : "About Passions". Dr. L. Tardy : Jakab Reineggs, the First Sub Auspiciis Doctor in Hungary, as the First Reformer of Gruzia. Dr. J. Balogh : The First Hungarian Monograph of Traumatology. V. Andriska : Introduction into the History of the Physical and Chemical Properties of Plastics. Dr. Prof. V. Andriska : What Can Thank Surgery to the Advance in Plastics Chemistry in the Past and Present ? M. Natter Nád : Hungarian Doctors and Botanies, Dr. J. Nemeskéri: The Trends and Achievements of Hungarian Anthropology. Dr. Prof. G. Jáki : An Account of the 8th Congress of Medical History in Poland, Held in Warsawa.

