Földessy Edina, Szűcs Alexandra, Wilhelm Gábor: Tabula 10/2 (Néprajzi Közlemények; Budapest, 2007)

MÉSZÁROS CSABA: Posztszocializmus és posztkolonializmus: Szibéria megértésének keretei Európában

VENTSEL, AIMAR 2004 Sakha pop music and ethnicity, In Properties of culture - culture as property. Pathways to reform in Post-Soviet Siberia. Erich Kasten, ed. 67-85. Berlin: Dietrich Reimar Verlag. 2005 Reindeer, rodina and reciprocity. Kinship and property relations in a Siberian village. Berlin: LIT Verlag. /Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia, 1.1 CSABA MÉSZÁROS Post-socialism and post-colonialism. How to understand Siberia in Europe? This review essay wishes to give an overview about the state of art, that is the actual results and methodologies in Siberia research, done in Western Europe. The author focuses there­by mainly on one particular book, written by an Estonian scholar, Aimar Ventsel in 2005. Ventsel has close relationship to the Max Plack Institute in Halle which plays a central part in the study of post-socialist countries. Ventsel partly aims to address the distinguish­ing features of post-socialist mentality with regard to the issue of ownership, partly tries to place his material into a wider Eurasian comparative framework. Besides applicating these two perspectives, Ventsel is also very much occupied in the analysis of hunters' and pastorals' ecology and in raising the rich body of knowledge concerning the functioning of the Russian government in its islands of state.

