Bakos Katalin szerk.: Szivárvány Áruház és Nagyvilág, Káldor László (1905–1963) és Gábor Pál (1913–1992) (A Magyar Nemzeti Galéria kiadványai 2000/4)

"Parallel Lives:" László Káldor and Pál Gábor, two Hungarian graphic designers 1933-1963. Summary

sectarian interpretation of socialist realism" included Gábor's name among the new jury proposed. 22 László Káldor and Pál Gábor were active personages on the stage of advertising in the 1940s and 1950s as creators, participants of the art life, organizers, officials of artistic agencies. Both repre­sented the continuity of the graphic design reaching one of its peaks in the 1930s, enriching the functionalist and anecdotal traditions of it. They preserved the values of graphic advertisment developed in the interwar years in a period when the theatre of the artists' move­ment was delimited by directives basically contradicting the princi­ples of the genre and the technical possibilities were also limited. Yet both managed to develop individual modes of expression and tones in graphic design. They were not completely barred from the inter­Translated by Judit Pokoly Notes ' In his autographic autobiography, Gábor also mentions Anna Lesznai and Tibor Gergely as instructors. Gábor was always proud of his diploma carrying the serial number 1. 2 "Graduated graphic designer and interior decorator Pál Gábor. VII Ith district, no.15/b Vas street." Reklámélet, March 1934, p.20. 3 "the covers were designed by artist Gy. Nemes and Káldor. Address: VI Ith district, no.26/b Damjanich st. Tel.: 42-2-12." Reklámélet, February 1936, p. 16. 4 Katalin Bakos: Az első magyar Gebrauchsgraphiker Bortnyik Sándor műhelye és "Múhely"-e [The first Hungarian Gebrauchsgraphiker. Sándor Bortnyik's workshop and "Workshop"]. Új Művészet, November 1993. pp. 9-12, 78-79. 5 The place of Műhely in the training of artists for practice, in: Katalin Bakos: Bortnyik Sándor tervezőgrafikai tevékenysége és pedagógiai munkássága 1914-1938 [Sándor Bortnyik's advertisment designing activity and pedagogical work 1914 1938], doctoral dissertation, Budapest, 2000. Manuscript 6 Anna Zádor: Egy elfelejtett folyóirat [A forgotten periodical]. Holmi, 1993, no.7, pp. 966-970. 7 Pavilon építészet a 19-20. században a Magyar Építészeti Múzeum gyűjteményéből [Pavilion architecture in the 19th-20th centuries in the collection of Hungarian Architectural Museum]. OMvH, Hung. Arch. Mus., Pavilion Foundation. Budapest Ministry of Construction, 2001. 6 September 1947 -October 1948 3 Images of an Era. The American Poster 1945-1975. Cat. Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., 1975; Sally Henderson-Robert Landau: Billboard Art. Angus&Robertson Publishers, London-Sydney-Melbourne-Singapore-Manila, 1980; Michael Kriegskorte: Werbung in Deutschland 1945-1965. Die Nachkriegs­zeit im Spiegel ihrer Anzeigen. DuMont, Köln, 1992 10 According to the catalogue, Pál Gábor exhibited the following works: Long live the Hungarian-Soviet friendship, Hurry, Give, Help; Poster Exhibition; Vllth Hungarian Art Exhibition; Festive Book Week; lind Czechoslovak Toy Exhibition; László Káldor's works included: Let's Eat Apples; OTP Bank Account; Funfair; Let's Eat Fish; Cash and Carry; Kőbányai Beer; Murillo Colours; Grafika Magazine; Graphic Exhibition; Budapest's Healing Waters; Hungarian Photo Exhibition, in: II. plakátkiállitás 1956. Nemzeti Szalon [2nd poster exhibition 1956. National Salon] by the Association of Hungarian Artists and Designers and Műcsarnok [Kunsthalle] pp.14, 16. national trends, as during trips, staging exhibitions and fairs abroad and reading the special press kept them informed of the contempo­rary foreign novelties. László Káldor could thus transfer a lot of elements from the West European culture of advertisment into his prospectuses and posters at a high standard, tailored to his own personality and the local circumstances. Pál Gábor utilized with self-evident ease the new publicity tendencies based on emblematic, two-dimensional, abstract elements as modified adoptions of the Bauhaus achievements as well as the relevant letter types extended with a typography of his own invention. The two artists were friends, but their joint presentation is justified more profoundly by the com­mon cultural roots and meeting points of their lifeworks. Katalin Bakos " Mihályfi did not even mention commercial adverts, polemizing only with the authors of the circus and theatre bills. Ernő Mihályfi: Plakátművészeti "vitakiállítás" [Disputable poster exhibition]. Művelt Nép, April 15, 1956. 12 György Sebestyén: Plakátkiállitás, avagy Csipkerózsika felébred [Poster exhibition, or Sleeping Beauty wakes up], Magyar Nemzet, April 8,1956, p. 9. 13 Lajos Kónya: A II. Plakátművészeti Kiállításról [About the second poster exhibition]. Irodalmi Újság, April 14,1956, p. 6. 14 Katalin Bakos: Konecsni, pályatársai és tanítványai [Konecsni, his fellow artists and pupils], in: Plakát Parnasszus I. cat. Szent Korona Galéria, Székesfehérvár, 1995 ' 5 Owned by Katalin Káldor. 16 Sándor Kiss: Magyar plakátművészet a két világháború között [Hungarian poster art between the two world wars], in: Legújabbkori Történeti Múzeum Évkönyve II. 1960. Franklin Nyomda, 1961; Katalin Bakos: 1920-1944. in: 700 + 7 éves a magyar plakát, cat. Műcsarnok, Budapest, 1986 :7 János Besztercei: Egy vállalat története 1911-1948-1978 [The history of a firm 1911-1948-1978], Magyar Hirdető, Budapest, 1978 18 Rezső Bartha: Őszinte beszélgetés a "zsűri" elnökével [Sincere conversation with the president of the "jury"], Külkereskedelmi Propaganda, 1957, no. 2. pp. 34-35. ' 9 1957-1960 Külkereskedelmi Propaganda. News bulletin of the Propaganda Department of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce. From 1970, it was succeed­ed by Propaganda Reklám/Public Relations. The questions of graphic design were discussed in Interpressgrafik launched in 1969. Promotion information was also included in Kirakat [Shopwindow], the magazine of the Inner Ministry (its issues of 1957-69 can be found in the National Széchényi Library). 20 Katalin Bakos: Folyamatosság és törés a plakátművészetben [Continutiy and break in poster design], m: A fordulat évei. Politika-Képzőmúvészet-Építészet. Institute of 1956, Budapest, 1998. p.261. 21 Hung. Academy of Sciences, Research Institute for Art History, Data collection, C-l-2/1 077-78

