Veszprémi Nóra - Jávor Anna - Advisory - Szücs György szerk.: A Magyar Nemzeti Galéria Évkönyve 2005-2007. 25/10 (MNG Budapest 2008)

LÓRÁND BERECZKY: The First Fifty Years - 50™ ANNIVERSARY OF THE HUNGARIAN NATIONAL GALLERY - Éva BAJKAY: Collecting Avant-Garde - A Subjective History

15 Sándor Ék presented 37 posters by himself and Soviet Artists to the HNG, inv. nos.: XY 58.1-XY 58.37. 16 The debate was prompted by an article justifying abstract art which Lajos Németh published in the magazine: "Megjegyzések képzőművészetünk helyzetéről." In: Új írás, 1961, no. 8. pp. 738-744. 17 Pogány, Ö. Gábor. "A Művészet feladatairól." In: Művészet, 1960, no. 1, p. 3.; Pátzay, Pál. "Korunk esztétikai zűrzavara." In: Kortárs, 1962, no. 12. 18 Pogány, Ö. Gábor. "A szocialista realizmus a képzőművészetben." In: Tár­sadalmi Szemle, 1965, nos. 8-9, p. 123. 19 A copy of the Kassák-Vasarely Folder (Paris, 1961) which Kassák kindly ded­icated to Pogány is now in the possession of the National Széchényi Library. This was not on sale from his estate to the HNG; his widow gave a flat refusal when library colleagues mentioned to her my interest in purchasing it for the gallery. 20 Csaplár, Ferenc. "Visszatérés Európába. Kassák képzőművészete külföldön az 1960-as években." Ín: Elet és Irodalom, April 13, 2007, pp. 17, 22. 21 Funded by the Ministry of Culture, a significant material was purchased from the widow. Inv. nos.: 1950-3439-3460. 22 It was in 1968, that Imre Bak and István Nádler put up their first show in the West, in the Gallerie Müller, Stuttgart. 23 Kassák Lajos emlékkiállítás and Hommage á Kassák, Székesfehérvár, István Király Múzeum, 1968. 24 The exhibitors were Imre Bak, Krisztián Frey, Tamás Hcncze, György Jovánovics, Ilona Keserű, Gyula Konkoly, László Lakner, Sándor Molnár, István Nádler, Ludmil Siskov, Endre Tót. See: Dokumentum 1969-70. Ed., with an in­troduction in English by Sinkovits, Péter. Budapest, 1970 (samizdat). 25 In 1967, the HNG arranged major retrospectives for Jenő Gadányi and István Nagy. The Uitz show was put up after the Ferenc Medgyessy memorial exhibition. 26 Major purchases from the Pór estate took place in 1975. See HNG inv. nos.: F 75.314 - F 75.502. 27 These included from the material of the FtNG: The Plains in Hungarian Paint­ing, 1967; 20" 1-Century Hungarian Painting, 1968; Béni Ferenczy and Ferenc Medgyessy, 1969. 28 Following exhibitions at Galerie Denise René, Paris, Galeria Gmurzynska, Cologne, Galleria Breton, Milan, and Galleria del Levante in Munich and Milan, etc., the real breakthrough was made by the West-Berlin exhibition (at the Kun­stverein) and catalogue: Roters, Eberhard and Weitemeier, Hannah. Avantgarde Osteuropa 1910-1930. N.p. [Berlin]: Deutsche Gesellschaft fúr Bildende Kunst (Kunstverein Berlin), 1967. 29 Dóra Maurer's personal recollections made to the author. At her exhibition at the Szentendre ArtMill in 2005, she presented her own works as parallels of Uitz's constructivist Analyses made in Vienna. 30 Uitz. Int. by Münnich, Ferenc. N.p. [Budapest]: Corvina, 1967. 31 HNG Archive, inv. no.: 18207/1969. 32 Uitz Béla kiállítása a szovjet múzeumokban és a művész tulajdonában levő művekből. Int. by Mácza, János. Ed. by Konlha, Sándor. Budapest: HNG-Kul­turális Kapcsolatok Intézete, 1968. 33 Németh, Lajos. "The Art of Béla Uitz." New Hungarian Quarterly, 1968, no. 29, pp. 176-180; Oelmacher, Anna. "Uitz Béla kiállítása a Magyar Nemzeti Galériában." Magyar Nemzet, October 27, 1968, p. 11 ; Patkó, Imre. "A szív és az értelem képei." Tükör, November 26, 1968, p. 8-9; Peraeczky, Géza. "A for­radalom klasszikusa." Elet és Irodalom, November 2, 1968, p. 3; and over fifty other articles and reviews. 34 Béla Kondor: Illustrations to the Dózsa Peasant War in 1514, 1956, copper-plate engravings, 7-31. HNG inv. no.: 77.253. 35 This conception was to materialize in the exhibitions arranged with his cooper­ation in the East-Berlin Neue Berliner Galerie and in the exhibition room of the old town hall in Prague in 1970. 36 Irrespective of the ascendant political regime, from 1914, works by Uitz were continually acquired by the Museum of Fine Arts and later the National Gallery according to their acquisition records. 37 Péter, Imre. "A monumentalizmus bűvöletében." Művészet, 1966, no. 1, p. 10. 38 Mácza, János, iskustvo sovremennoy Yevropi. Moscow, 1926; Idem. Beta Uitz. Tvorcheskiyput. Moscow-Leningrad, 1932. 39 The Pushkin Museum acquired 131 works. These could not be exhibited in Moscow however much the artist had wished to. Twenty years had to pass for that. See: Nikolaevna Shalabaeva, Vera ed. Beta Uitz. Moscow: Sovetskii khu­doznik, 1986. 40 See the conference entitled The Icon and Modernity at the Harriman Institute at Columbia University, New York, 2003. 41 Konstruktive Kunst 1915-1930. Frankfurt am Main: Frankfurter Kunstverein, 1966. 42 In the Vienna magazine Egység, June 22, 1922 and September 16, 1922. See: Bajkay, Éva. Konstruktivizmus. Budapest: Gondolat, 1979, pp. 78-84; Passuth, Krisztina. "Magyar-orosz avantgárd kapcsolatok a húszas években." In: idem. Tranzit. Budapest: Új Művészet, 1996, pp. 129-136; Bajkay, Éva. "Béla Uitz' Se­ries Analysis in the Scottish National Gallery of Modem Art, Edinburgh." In: Ernyey, Gyula ed. Britain and Hungary 3. Budapest: Hungarian University of Craft and Design, 2005, pp. 157-165. 43 Bajkay, Éva. "Uitz Béla négyszáz ismeretlen műve." In: A Magyar Nemzeti Galéria Evkönyve 2. Budapest: Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, 1974, pp. 117-126, 242-245. 44 These "oral history" interviews were the basis of my book, Uitz Béla. Szemtől szemben. Budapest: Gondolat, 1974. On the basis of resolution no. 29/1969 by the presidium of the Academy of Sciences, the serial publication of the sources and the series were to be prepared; obviously, this had been behind my com­missioning. 45 The album can be found in the HNG Archive. 46 Zoltán Nagy was on a post-graduate scholarship in Moscow, but the old master could not stand him; we could not even have him help us. 47 Uitz was allotted flat no. 262 at 66 Leninsky Prospekt in Moscow. Teréz Kassák often stayed there, but, as their marriage had failed a long time ago, Uitz would not go to the flat at all. 48 HNG inv. nos.: 72.35 T - 72.39 T and 72.127 T. 49 Bertonati, Emilio ed. Avantgardia ungherese / Ungarische Avantgarde /Hun­garian Avantgarde 1909-1930. Int. by Körner, Eva. Milano and München: Gal­leria del Levante, 1971. 50 Romváry, Ferenc ed. Uitz Múzeum. Pécs: Janus Pannonius Múzem, 1978. 51 Kunst in Ungarn 1900-1950, Luzern, Kunstmuseum, 1975; L'art en Hongrie 1905—1930 art et révolution, Paris, Musée d'Art moderne de la Ville de Paris, 1979; Klassiker der Avantgarde - Die ungarischen Konstruktivisten, Innsbruck, Galerie im Taxispalais, 1983; Standing in the Tempest. Painters of the Hunga­rian Avant-garde 1908-1930, Santa Barbara Museum of Art, 1991; Hungarian Constructivism 1918-1936. Tokyo, Watari-um, 1993; Ungarn - Avantgarde im 20. Jahrhundert. Linz, Neue Galerie, 1998 and Valencia, 1999; Central Euro­pean Avant-gardes: Exchange and Transformation, 1910-1930. Los Angeles, County Museum of Art, 2002; lAvantlgarden in Mittel-Europa 1910-1930. Munich, Haus der Kunst and Berlin, Martin-Gropius-Bau, 2002/03; Zeit des Aufbruchs. Budapest und Wien zwischen Historismus und Avantgarde, Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum Palais Harrach, 2003 and St. Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum, 2005. 52 Bajkay, Éva. Uitz Béla. Budapest: Képzőművészeti Alap, 1987. 53 Following Uitz's retrospective and the inclusion of his works in main body of the HNG collections, a retrospective of Sándor Bortnyik followed in the spring of 1969, with another after his death in 1977. The HNG was bequeathed quite a num­ber of works from his estate, many more than from the one of Kassák by his widow in 1983, which had been previously even more thoroughly sifted by foreigners. 54 Or, for instance, the HNG's Department of Prints and Drawings acquired dra­wings by Mihály Zichy from St. Petersburg and by Mihály Munkácsy from Düs­seldorf. 55 Lesznai Anna. Cat. int. by Bajkay, Éva. Budapest: HNG, 1977; Bajkay, Éva and Jenő Murádin. Dömötör Gizella, Mund Hugó Nagybányától Buenos Airesig. Miskolc: Mission Art, 1996; Bajkay, Éva: Az utópia bűvöletében. Weininger Andor. Pécs: Pro Pannónia, 2006.

