Veszprémi Nóra - Jávor Anna - Advisory - Szücs György szerk.: A Magyar Nemzeti Galéria Évkönyve 2005-2007. 25/10 (MNG Budapest 2008)


• Új Színben. Rózsa Miklós és müvészönarckép-gynjteménye / Miklós Rózsa and His Self-Portrait Collection 1932-1943. 29 March - 24 June. Curators: Anna Kopócsy (freelance curator), Ferenc Zsákovics • „így alkotunk mi..." - gyermek képzőművészeti pályázat az 50 éves MNG tiszteletére [Drawing competition for children in honour of the 50 th anniversary of the HNG] 7 June - 20 August. Curators: Barbara Büki, Magdolna Lindner, Agnes Veress A szóra bírt műtárgy. Új szerzemények, új eredmények az 50 éves Magyar Nemzeti Galériában / Artworks Made to Speak. New acquisi­tions and new results in the 50-year-old Hungarian National Gallery. 10 July - 9 September. Curators: Enikő Buzási, Viktória L. Kovásznai, Viktória, László Százados, György Szűcs, Ferenc Zsákovics • Élet és Irodalom 50 [Life and Literature 50]. 12 July - 9 September. Curator: Judit Szeifert • Akaii. Kortárs müvek a Magyar Nemzeti Galériában [Contemporary artworks in the Hungarian National Gallery]. 10 July-. Curators: István Dévényi, László Százados • Vaszary János (1867-1939) gyűjteményes kiállítása [Retrospective ex­hibition of János Vaszary]. 18 October - 23 February, 2008. Curators: Mariann Gergely, Edit Plesznivy • Zichy Mihály, a „rajzoló fejedelem" / Mihály Zichy, a "Prince among Draughtsmen". 14 December - 23 March, 2008. Curators: Orsolya Hessky, Enikő Róka GUEST EXHIBITIONS IN THE HUNGARIAN NATIONAL GALLERY • Az emlékezés színes álmai. A magyarországi kortárs cigány képző­művészek reprezentatív tárlata [Colourful Dreams of Memory. Rep­resentative exhibition of Hungarian contemporary Gypsy artists]. 16 December - 3 February, 2008. Curators: Péter Szuhay (Museum of Ethnography), Marianna Kolozsváry Kész a leltár - So-ky. Sós László, Kemény Éva életmükiállítása [Finished Inventory. Retrospective exhibition of László Sós and Éva Kemény]. 10 September - 31 October. Curator: Marianna Kolozsváry THE HUNGARIAN NATIONAL GALLERY ABROAD • Ungarische Seele. Landesmuseen Gottorf, Schleswig Holstein, Ger­many. 3 March - 31 July. Curator: Zsuzsanna Bakó • Munkácsy-képek Erdélyben [Paintings by Munkácsy in Transylvania]. Csíki Székely Múzeum, Miercurea-Ciuc, Romania. 2 May - 22 June. Curator: Zsuzsanna Bakó • Munkácsy Munkácson [Munkácsy in Munkács]. History Museum, Mukacevo, Ukraine. 20 July - 30 October. Curator: Zsuzsanna Bakó ACCESSION OF THE COLLECTION 2005 • A valuable acquisition of the Old Hungarian Collection was a crayon drawing, Saint Sebastian by Jan Thomas for the altarpiece of the Augustinerkirche in Lockenhaus (1669). • The Department of Painting purchased Suicidal Faust on the Coast by Pál Szinyei Merse (see the article by Anna Szinyei Merse in this volume). • The Department of Prints and Drawings acquired 177 artworks, among them book illustrations by Miklós Borsos, Mária Fekete, Hans Fronius, Piroska Szántó, two drawings by László Mednyánszky (see the article by Monika Bincsik in this volume), and works by Bertalan Székely (see the article by Éva Bicskei in this volume), István Dési Huber, Béni Ferenczy and Sándor Ziffer. • The Contemporary Collection acquired some important artworks by László Lakner (Lettres imaginaires, 2000). A portfolio (10 prints) by Tihamér Gyarmathy was presented to the Gallery in memory of the artist, who passed away in 2005. 16 artworks by major representatives of contemporary Hungarian graphic art were purchased with support from the National Cultural Fund. 2006 • The Old Hungarian Collection acquired one oil painting: Joseph and Potiphar's Wife by Johann Nepomuk Höfel. • The Department of Painting purchased the Portrait of Géza Mihálkovics by Soma Orlai Petrics (see the article by Zsuzsanna Bakó in this vo­lume), as well as another important painting by Pál Szinyei Merse, On Green Grass (see the article by Anna Szinyei Merse in this volume). • Similarly to the previous year, the Department of Prints and Drawings acquired numerous artworks (more than 400), including two series of drawings by Pál Molnár C. and Béla Kontuly, lino-cuts by Gyula Tichy and a wood engraving by Anna Bartoniek, all artists active in the interwar years. • The Contemporary Collection acquired some outstanding works, e.g. by Tamás Lossonczy (Reaching to the Sky, 4 watercolours), András Koncz (Self-Portrait I—II, 1975), and Péter Kovács (Phantom-Crea­ture I—II, 1990s). One of the young Hungarian artists whose works came into the collection was Péter Gálhidy - the new section of our permanent exhibition was named after his mixed-media work (Akali, 2005). 2007 • The most valuable acquisitions of the Old Hungarian Collection, ba­roque paintings by János Spillenberger and Ádám Mányoki came into the collection as gifts of the Ministry of Education and Culture on oc­casion of the 50 th anniversary of the institution. Similarly, August by the Austrian painter Wolfgang Köpp (late 18 th century; see the article by Enikő Buzási in this volume) was purchased with support from the National Office of Cultural Heritage. • The Department of Painting purchased 6 paintings by the famous col­lector and painter, Baron Ferenc Hatvány (1930s). • The Contemporary Collection acquired 87 artworks. Several paintings and sculptures came into the National Gallery as gifts of the Ministry of Education and Culture, including works by Aurél Benrath (5), Endre Domanovszky (2), Jenő Barcsay (2), Jenő Kerényi, Tamás Vígh, Erzsébet Schaar. • The Archive purchased 4 armchairs which had once belonged to Mihály Munkácsy from a descendant of the artist's family in Germany. Compiled by György Szűcs

