Lázár Vilmos szerk.: Termelőszövetkezettörténeti tanulmányok 1. (Mezőgazdaságtörténeti tanulmányok 6. Magyar Mezőgazdasági Múzeum, Budapest, 1972)

Összefoglaló (angolul)

life possession of durables, higher school education of their children •— a driving force of large-scale farming. The attitude of peasants towards col­lective farming changed. The income from work of cooperative families increased between 1966 and 1970 by more than one-third. In 1970 the per capita monthly income of peasants together with that organating from homeplot farming) attained that of the workers. This fact made its effect soon felt. The man-power supply of collective farms improved, the discipline of labour strengthened and as a result of these the level of production and farming rose. The rhythm of growth accelerated. The increase of production values rose from the annual 1,2 per cent between 1961 and 1965 to an annual 2,8 per cent in the period from 1966 to 1970. This was partly due to the widened sphere of activity of cooperative farms, but the yield averages of the main field crops and fruit growing as well as the live-stock and animal products were also increased. Yield averages of the main crops in the collective farms of agricultural cooperatives (q/hectare) 1951—1955 1956—1960 1961—1965 1966—1970 Wheat 14,5 16,5 17,7 23,3 Barley 16,2 18,7 17,9 20,6 Maize 15,5 22,3 24,5 32,6 Sugarbeet 184,3 221,4 240,3 119,5 Potato 81,1 100.0 78,6 112,2 The livestock of cooperative farms — if only at a modest rate —­1 grown. Cattle -, pig- and sheep stocks in the collective farms of agriculture cooperatives (On 31st December, in 1000 animals) 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 Cattle 835,6 913,9 984,3 967,4 947,9 Pigs 1512,5 1689,4 1646,0 1404,4 1689,7 Sheep 1321,0 1337,4 1427,2 1383,3 1494,0 Compared with the former period the production of animal products grew in a considerable measure. Production of main animal products Cow's milk Wool Hen's eggs Annual ave- Annual ave­rage milk rage wool yield per yield per mill. lit. tons mill, eggs cow. lit. sheep, kg 1961—1965 495 4661 131 ~2,Ö36 _ 3,9 1966—1970 696 5513 359 2,349 4,3

