Technikatörténeti szemle 27. (2005-06)

Látogatók és műszaki múzeumok - Gulya István: A látogatóbarát múzeumi környezet kialakításának lehetőségei az Országos Műszaki Múzeum Kohászati Múzeumában

ISTVÁN GULYA: POSSIBILITIES OF CREATING VISITOR-FRIENDLY MUSEUM SURROUNDINGS AT THE METALLURGICAL MUSEUM OF THE HUNGARIAN MUSEUM FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Summarizing our suggestions: the most important steps - not reflecting any order of implementation - in the process of creating visitor-friendly museum surroundings are: education of the staff; forming of a visitor-friendly mentality; changing of the inner functional arrangement of the museum buildings; organization of exhibitions of a visitor-friendly attitude; improvement of services and offered programmes; finding of new bases for museum marketing; and improvement of the state of physical infrastructure. Important tasks are to be carried out by our museum in the fields of gaining social support, improving the forms of sponsoring, and deepening partnership relations so that it may be possible to procure supporters and sources for creating visitor-friendly museum surroundings. The work to be achieved is great and hard, however the stake is high, too: not only the renewal and improvement of the Metallurgical Museum are at stake but also the preservation and transmittance of the region's rich industrial heritage as represented by our museum. We are convinced that an improvement taking place in the relations of the museum and its public might increase the acceptance and value of the region's industrial heritage, while stagnation or decline might lead to the disappearance of the industrial heritage and, at the same time, the weakening of regional identity.

