Technikatörténeti szemle 23. (1997-98)

TANULMÁNYOK - Molnár László: A két Chorin szerepe a magyar nagyipar kialakításában

21 id. Chorin Ferenc. Nekrológ. BKL 58. évf. 1925. 3. sz. 35-39. p. 22 Szita Szabolcs: A Magyar Gyáriparosok Országos Szövetsége. A GYOSZ kiépítése és te­vékenysége 1902-től 1948-ig. Bp. 1996. 215. p. 23 Vida István: Három Chorin levél. Századok. 111. évf. 1977. 2. sz. 362-380. p. 24 Kársai Elek-Szinai Miklós: A Weiss Manfréd-vagyon német kézbe kerülésének története. Századok. 95. évf. 1961. 4-5. sz. 680-719. p. LÁSZLÓ MOLNÁR: THE ROLE PLAYED BY THE TWO CHORINS IN THE EMERGENCE OF THE HUNGARIAN BIG INDUSTRIES The age of big economical enterprises began in Hungary in the sixties of the 19th century and lasted till the first world war. Mostly assimilated Jewish businessmen played a decisive role in the development of industry, commerce and banks due to their century long experience, fore­ign connections and new business strategy. Ferenc Chorin (1842-1925) was a successful lawyer, then during 22 years a member of the parliament, an eminent expert of economical is­sues. Salgótarján Kőszénbánya Rt. (Salgótarján Coal Mines Company) developed under his management to one of the greatest enterprises in Hungary. He founded in 1901 the National Association of Industrialists. After the first world war, he reorganised economical life. Ferenc Chorin jr. (1879-1964) was an organiser of industry, the most important person of the finance­capital. His industry developing activities contributed to the stabilisation of the national eco­nomy to the introduction of the new currency (pengő). He developed plans based on surveys in the fields of taxation, customs, commerce, tariff problems and social policy.

