Technikatörténeti szemle 15. (1985)

TANULMÁNYOK - Gáspár Dorottya: Régi kulcsok és zárak

Vallois DS R. Vallois: sera, in: Darenberg—Saglio, Dictionnaire des An­tiquités Grecques et Romaines. Vol. IV. 2. Paris 1908. 1241— 1248. DOROTTYA GASPAR: ANCIENT LOCKS AND KEYS This contribution consists of two parts. First part gives the Hungarian termino­logy of locks and keys (figs. 1—5.). The second part contains the description of the different types of the locks. The type in marked by Roman figures, the modification in the same type by Arabic figures and the variation of the keys by letters. This method is a new one. I could determine nine types of locks (figs. 6—21., appendices I—IX.). There are, however, keys whose type could not be determined. They are named keys withouth type (figs. 22—24.). Appendices show the name of the places where the keys were found.

