Technikatörténeti szemle 11. (1979)

TANULMÁNYOK - Vajda Pál: Creative Hungarians in mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, technical sciences and industry. A selected bio-bibliography

REJTŐ, Sándor (1853—1928). Mechanical engineer. Rejtő’s theory of the behaviour of structural materials produced an interna­tional echo. He developed entirely new theses of mechanical technology and devised a unique microscope as well as a tensiometer for material testing, wor­ked out a novel technique for the malleable transformation of metals. His in­ventions and innovations were introduced in many industrially developed countries. WHC RÓNAY, Árpád (1866—1932). Metallurgical engineer. Rónay patented his new process in 1902 for briquetting steel turnings at high pressures. His method has gained world-wide popularity. Geiger, B;: Handbuch der Eisen- und Stahlgiesserei, Leipzig 1925. p. 176. Bu­chanan, Wm. Y.: Cupola melting of cast iron borings and steel turning (= The American Foundryman 1954. May p. 127.) SCHENEK, István (1830—1909). Chemist. Together with his fellow-teacher, István Farbaky, he devised in 1885 a new type of storage battery. These new batteries met with great success in the international competition for satisfying the demand for such batteries for the Opera House in Vienna in 1885. Bericht über die Akkumulatoren von Farbaky und Schenek (= Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift 1886. p. 471.), Schwartze, Th: Ergebnisse neuerer Versuche mit ver­schiedenen Akkumulatoren Typen (— Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift 1888. pp. 274— 277.), Hoppe, E.: Die Akkumulatoren für Elektrizität, Berlin 1892. pp. 227—231., Wood Vinal, G.: Storage Batteries, New York—London, 1955. p. 5. VHP SCHLESINGER, Lajos (1864—1933). Mathematician. Schlesinger was engaged mainly in the functiontheory and in problems of linear differential equations. His research work in the history of mathematics is of great importance as well. Dunnington G. W.: L. Schlesinger (= Scripta Math. 3. 1935 pp. 67—68.), Variack V.: L. Schlesinger (= Jahresberichte der deutscher Mathematiker-Vereinigung 16/1907. pp. 320—321.) MBH STEINER, Lajos (1871—1944). Meteorologist. Steiner did fundamental work in the study of non-periodic magnetic distur­bances, and contributed by his pioneering theoretical activity significantly to the foundations of dynamic meteorology. Réthly, A.: Dr. Louis Steiner (— Az Időjárás — The Weather 48/1945/pp. 49—58, 74—78, 82—83.) SZILY, Pál (1878—1945). Biochemist. Szily published in 1903 (in Hungarian and German) his standard work „App­lication of Indicators in the Determination of the Reaction of Animal Fluids”. Hans Friedenthal, a lecturer at the University of Berlin, began investigations in the same area and perfected Szily’s method by using a larger number of indicators and by employing standard (buffer) solutions of precisely know hyd­rogen ion concentration. Szily suggested that he prepare stable solutions of re­liable hydrogen ion concentrations by mixing primary and secondary phospha­51

