Technikatörténeti szemle 11. (1979)

TANULMÁNYOK - Vajda Pál: Creative Hungarians in mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, technical sciences and industry. A selected bio-bibliography

equations, measure and integration theory, point-set and algebraic topology, rigid surfaces (very thin shells), logic, recursive functions, and what he called „Turning programs”. Mambriana A.: Una visione dell’ opera scientifica di Tibor Radó (= Rivista di matematica della Universita di Parma 1/1950. pp. 239—273.) WHC RÉNYI, Alfréd (1921—1969). Mathematician. He achieved important results in the theory of numbers, in probability calculus, theory of real functions and in information theory. He also made significant advances in the theoretical foundations of mathematics. WHC RIESZ, Frigyes (1880—1956). Mathematician. Riesz’ most known achievement was the so-called Riesz—Fischer theorem in the domain of the theory of real functions. His role is widely acknowledged in the development of abstract spaces. Riesz is also well known as one of the founders of abstract spaces, and of functional analysis, a branch of modern mathematics. WHC, DSB, ZAB RISZDORFER, Ödön (1893—1944). Mechanical engineer. The automatic and semi-automatic exposure control generally employed in the present day cameras follows a basic invention by Ödön Riszdorfer, who filed his first patent in October 1930. He had many other fundamental inventions patented in the same year 1930, and in 1931. On July 30. 1934, Riszdorfer signed a contract with Eastman Kodak of Rochester (USA) on the manufacture of a semiautomatic camera. This was the Super Kodak Six-20 which has been on the world market since 1938. Schrott P.: Die Kamera mit automatischer Belichtung (= Phot. Korrespondenz 26T938. p. 1118.), Karz I. : The Mihályi story, Rochester 1978. p. 15. WHC, CH SCHMID, Rezső (1904—1943). Physicist. Rezső Schmid initiated the study of diatomic molecules in Hungary. His acti­vity was centered on the study of spectra of the CO molecule, but in addition he investigated also the No, CN, 0_«, N_>, Cj and various hydrides. He dealt with the problem of dissociation energy in particular. Rezső Schmid created his school of spectroscopy and — together with his coworkers — did fundamental work in the field of experimental investigation and theoretical interpretation of many details of molecular spectra that were relatively little known in his time. HCD SCHULEK, Elemér (1893—1964). Chemist. Elemér Sohulek achieved meritorious results in the chemistry and application of halogen cyanides and interhalogens. His use of his own methods in the research of the systems of hydrogen peroxide and sulphuric acid is also note­worthy. He established solid foundations for the up-to-date analysis of drugs. 66

