Technikatörténeti szemle 11. (1979)

TANULMÁNYOK - Vajda Pál: Creative Hungarians in mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, technical sciences and industry. A selected bio-bibliography

PÉTER, Rózsa (1905—1977). Mathematician. Péter Rózsa has distinguished herself as á researcher in the foundations of mathematics and has carried on noteworthy investigations into recursive func­tions. Her Rekursive Funktionen (1951, 1957) has been translated into English, Russian and Chinese. Since 1937 Mrs. Peter has been on the editorial board of The Journal of Symbolic Logic (Princeton, New Jersey) and since 1955 of the Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik. WHC PÉTERFI, Tibor (1883—1953). Physician, biologist. He constructed a micromanipulator in Jena in the early twenties that made it possible to carry out microtechnical and microoperational procedures within cells. His works are of importance also in medicine, biology and histology. Malowan, L.: Die Bakterienzelle wird zerschnitten (= Umschau 1930. pp. 992— 993J, Otto, L.: Der Mikromanipulator und seine Hilfsgeräte, Berlin 1954. VHP, DHS PETZ, Aladár (1888—1956). Physicist. Petz showed his invention at the 1921 major meeting of the Hungarian Surgical Society; the apparatus used for sewing stomach and bowels superseding all former types. This instrument which significantly reduced the dangers of sto­mach amputations and rendered the whole operation quicker and safer is now used all over the world. All medical books on surgical operation describe the technique of A. Petz. Loess, J.: The Petz Stomach and Intestinal Suturing Apparatus (= Annals of Surgery 1928. p. 80 J, Gangler, H.: Der Magen-Darmnähapparat nach von Petz (— Der Chirurg 1930. p. 494J, Negre, A.\ De l’utilité de l’appareil de Petz au cours des gastrectomies, Paris 1935., Pack, G. T.—Scharnagel, J. M.: De Petz Clamp in Surgical Treatment of Gastric Cancer (= Amer. Journal of Surgery 1936. nr. 3.) VHP POLÁNYI, Mihály (1891—1976). Physicist-chemist. Polányi’s manifold areas of expertise embrace physico-chemistry, sociology and philosophy which is a very rare phenomenon in our age of specialization. Polányi’s investigations into the structure of metals and the adsorption of gases are significant. Howard A. V.: Chamber’s Dictionary of scientists, Dutton, 1958. Col. 363—364., Langford Th. A.: Intellect and hope; essays in the thought of Michael Polanyi, Durham NC. 1968., E. Shils: A great citizen of the republic of science: Michael Polanyi 1891—1976. (Minerva: Review of Science, Learning and Policy 14/1976. pp. 1—5J, Mansel Davies: Michael Polányi 1891—1976. (= Chemistry in Bri­tain 1976. 12. pp. 276—283J, Innis R. E.: In memóriám Michael Polányi 1891— 1976 (= Z. Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 1978. 8, pp. 22—29J, Gelwick R.: The way of discovery: An introduction to the thought of Michael Polányi, New York 1977. DHS RADÓ, Tibor (1895—1965). Mathematician. Radó’s research interests and contributions span a wide range of topics: con­formal mapping, real variables, calculus of variations, partial differential 65

