Technikatörténeti szemle 11. (1979)

TANULMÁNYOK - Vajda Pál: Creative Hungarians in mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, technical sciences and industry. A selected bio-bibliography

polymorphonuclear digestive action. The non-toxic metabolites are eliminated at an even rate presumably via the kidneys while the site is invaded by host tissue. French D. A.: Properties of Bovine Fibrin Absorbable Implants (= Surg. Gynec. Obstet. 144/1977. pp. 3—7.), Kerényi G.: Bioplast — an absorbable surgical imp­lant material from fibrin (= Symposium on Bioengineering and Thermoplastics held at the American Chemical Society National Meeting, Chicago 1977.), Hers- kovits P.: Edinburgh Factory Produces Bioplast (= Daily News (Budapest) March 25. 1976.) WHC GERÖ, Lóránd (1910—1945). Physicist. In his doctoral dissertation Gerő described an empirical procedure, whereby the perturbations of the rotational lines in spectra can be very simply detected. Through the application of this procedure Gerő studied the perturbations in the spectra of the molecules AgH, C2, PgH, Cl and NO. The work of Gerő is related to the analysis of the bands of the CO molecule with an accuracy that was much higher than that of the previous works. HCD GOLDMARK, Péter Károly (1906—1977). Engineer. (Peter C. Goldmark) Developed the first practical colour television system (1940), developed long- playing records (1948); transmission of Lunar Orbiter’s photographs of the lunar surface; contributed to the development of special electron tubes, audio and acoustical systems, magnetic recording, and data storage and display; su­pervised the development of Linotron (computer-tape-driven, ultra high speed photocomposing system); supervised development of Electronic Video Recor­ding (E. V. R.) Goldmark P. C.: Maverick Inventor (Autobiography), New York 1973, The Ge­nius at CBS (= Time XII. 20. 1968. pp. 72-73.) Kasetten-Fernsehen. Abfall mit Zukunft (— Der Spiegel nr. 40. 1969. pp. 207—210.), Herold, E. Y.: A history of Color Television Display (— Inst. E. E. Proceeding 64/1976. pp. 1331—1338.), Groll, Hans R.: Dr. Peter Carl Goldmark (— Kino-Technik 31/1977/10. p. 354.), Me Elheny V. K.: Crash Kills Dr. Peter Goldmark, Scientist Who Invented LP Disk (= New York Times XII. 8. 1977. pp. 12—13.), Vajda, P.: Edison der Elek­tronik (= Budapester Rundschau March 3/1978. p. 6.) GROSZMANN Gusztáv (1878—1957). Engineer. As a result of the experiments of Gusztáv Groszmann the first two-ventile deep-therapy equipment, operated by 200 kV direct current, was constructed. Later, in 1936 the first layer-photographic X-ray device, the tomographic X-ray device, the tomograph was designed (planigraph, stratigraph, etc.) Deutschmann W.: Das Wesen und der Wert der Tomographie, Leipzig 1939., Herdner R.: Traité technique de tomographie osseuse, Paris 1953. GROSSMANN, Marcel (1878—1936). Mathematician. Grossmann was a classmate of Albert Einstein. When Einstein wished to for­mulate his ideas on general relativity theory mathematically he turned to Grossmann for assistance. Grossmann discovered that the law of gravitation could be stated in terms of the absolute differential geometry. 59

