Technikatörténeti szemle 8. (1975-76)

TANULMÁNYOK - Csendes László: A térképkészítés eszközei régi térképeken

Felhasz nált i rodalom 1. Staatsmann: Das Aufnehmen von Architecturen Leipzig 1910. 2. Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, 1897. XXVI. 3. Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, 1909. XXXVII. 4. Schöne: Das Visierinstrument der röm. Feldmesser.Jahrb.d.k. öst.Arch.Inst. 1901. 5. Sehmalzl: Zur Geschichte de. Quadranten bei d.Araber. München, 1929. 6. Irmédi-Molnár László: A magyar térképezés múltjából (MTA. 1956. évi Nem­zetközi Geod.Kongr. előadás) 7. Abendroth: Darstellung und Kritik, d.alt. Gradmessungen. Dresden, 1866. 8. Nagel: Die Hauptmomente der Entwicklungsgeschichte der Gradmessungen. Dresden, 1893. 9. Sprenger: Erdmessungen. Ausland, 1867. 10. Andree: Die Anfänge der Kartographie. (Globus XXXI) 11. Gebrian: Geschichte der Kartographie. (Gotha, 1922) 12. Geisler: Über die Bemühungen der Gelehrten und Künstler matematische und astronomische Instrumente elnzutheilen. Dresden, 1792. 13. Petrl Lossai jegyzetei és ábrái Bp. 1970. 14. Kondér István: Térképek és rokontudományok az ókorban. Térképészeti Közlöny Bp. 1938. V. kötet 15. Domokos Kálmán: A földmérő. Gyakorlati kézikönyv. Debrecen 1881. (Külön fü­zetben 37 rajzlappal.) PLOTTING APPARATUSES ON OLD MAPS History takes place in time and in space. Contemporary writings, drawings or objects are a great help to researchers who enquire into a historical period. In old times some cartographers believed that the artistic impression created by a map was more important than its actual contents. The application of cartouche was an unwritten law in those times. In most cases the ornamental motifs were indentical with the contents of the map and some other illustrations were added. On a number of maps from the 16th to the 18th century there are illustrations referring to cartography and land- measuring: sometimes they are complementary motifs and sometimes they are the central theme. In this selection I did not set out to collect only cartographic means or only land- measuring scenes. I only wanted to arouse interest for those old maps which, beyond their artistic beauty, offer much help to researches into the data of tech­nical history. I plan to make up a collection of old maps with approximately com­prehensive data about the history of land- measuring and map- making. The extracts of the maps and ornamental motifs printed here have been selected from the rich collection of the Budapest Historical Military Map Department.

