Technikatörténeti szemle 1. (1962)

Edvy Gyula: A régi budai "nádori" vízmérce

/34/, U.a. mint 33,alatt. Jelentés 1877, évi június hó 27-érői. /35/. U.a. mint 33.alatt. Jelentés a harmadik év befejezéséről. Varkertépítkezé- sek Elnöksége. 1878. évi 77. szám, /36/. U.a. mint 33.alatt. Jelentés 187 8. évi január hó 22 r'ól 8. sz. Summary The First Fluviometer at Buda by Gyula Edvy The paper tracks down the hitherto unknown site of Hungary's oldest fluvio­meter by the Danube, Documents and maps filed in the archives as well as contemporary blue­prints support unmistakably the author’s claim according to which the first fluvio­meter at Buda was situated as early as 1748 below the south-east corner of a build­ing at the YBL MIKLÓS Square. Its pit was connected with the underground old royal aqueduct. The duct of the water-mains communicating with the Danube passes the lowest point of the basement wall of the building at a depth of 1.5 -■ 2.5 m and leads through the pit of the fluviometer. In 1818 it was completely restored. In commemoration of the 75^ anniversary of establishing the Hydro- graphical Service the National Water Conservancy will mark the site of the first fluviometer with a memorial tablet. 94

