Hausner Gábor szerk.: A Hadtörténeti Múzeum Értesítője = Acta Musei Militaris in Hungaria. 8. (Budapest, 2005)

KÖZLEMÉNYEK - PROHÁSZKA LÁSZLÓ: A vasszékely ábrázolása a cs. és kir. 82. székely gyalogezred plakettjén, jelvényén és emléktábláján

THE PORTRAYAL OF THE "IRON SZÉKELY" ON THE PLAQUE, THE BADGE AND THE MEMORIAL TABLET OF THE IMPERIAL AND ROYAL 82ND "SZÉKELY" INFANTRY REGIMENT During the First World War, several wooden statues were unveiled in I lungary, on which metal plates could be fixed for charity. Such works of art were Ferenc Sidló's "Statue of National Sacrifice" in Budapest, Alajos Riegele's "Iron Soldier" in Pozsony and "Iron Warrior" in Székesfehérvár, Ferenc Szeszák's "Guard of the Carpathians" in Kolozs­vár, and István Szentgyorgyi's "Wooden Soldier" in Szeged. There were two more "Iron Soldiers" unveiled in 1917, one in Nagyszeben and another in Nagyvárad. On 8 December 1917, the "Iron Székely", the memorial of the Imperial and Royal 82nd Infantry Regiment, was inaugurated in Székelyudvarhely. The statue was designed by Staff Sergeant István Erdélyi, and carved by Sergeant Ottó Hermann, Corporal Géza Rózsa and Private Jeno Sipos. In 1919, the monument was mutilated and then demolished by the Romanians that marched in Transylvania. (In 2000, the sculptor Já­nos Szabó remodelled the memorial, which was cast in bronze and unveiled in Székelyudvarhely on 15 March 2000.) The image of the "Iron Székely" also appeared on a contemporary plaque by Lajos Galát. There are two versions of the rectangular plaque in the Numismatic Collection of the Military History Museum. One is cast in iron and measures 257 mm by 147 mm, the other is cast in bronze and measures 225 mm by 145 mm. The same collection also preserves a tin badge of the same design, which measures 34,5 mm by 20 mm, and the inscription on its reverse ("ATELIER / GURSCHNER / WTEN 7") implies that it was manufactured in Vienna. In the late 1920s, the ex-officers of the 82nd "Székely" Infantry Regiment started a collection for raising a fund to create a commemorative tablet of the unit, which was unveiled in die Military History Museum on 4May 1930. The memorial was carved from limestone and marble and displayed the bronze version of Lajos Galát's plaque, measuring 53 cm by 31 cm, as well as the crest of Székelyudvarhely. After 1945, the memorial tablet was removed from its place and stored in the stacks for decades. In the summer of 2004, it was inaugurated again in the museum courtyard, in the neighbourhood of two other First World War monuments. DIE DARSTELLUNG DES EISENSEKLERS AUF DER GEDENKTAFEL, PLAKETTE UND ZEICHNEN DES K.U.K. SEKLER INFANTERIEREGIMENTS Während des ersten Weltkriegs wurden aus Wohltätigkeitszweck auf mehreren Plätzen des Landes Holzstatuen, auf die Metallplatten befestigt werden konnten, aufgestellt. Für Budapest wurde eine Reitstatue zur Nationalen Opferbereitschaft von Fe­renc Sidló errichtet. Ein ähnliches Werk war der Eisenhonved in Pressburg und der Eisenlevente in Stuhlweißenburg (beide von Alajos Rigele), dann der Wache der Karpaten (Werk von Ferenc Szeszák) und der Holzhonved in Szeged von István Szentgyörgyi. In Nagyszeben und 1917 in Nagyvárad wurde je ein Eisenhonved aufgestellt.

