Tanulmányok Budapest Múltjából 29. (2001)

A BUDAI KIRÁLYI VÁR ÉS A VÁRNEGYED MINT POLITIKAI, GAZDASÁGI ÉS KORMÁNYZATI KÖZPONT - Bessenyei József: Ami a budai tanács "árulása" után következett 23-36

JÓZSEF BESSENYEI THE 1514 TREASON OF THE BUDA COUNCIL AND THE EVENTS AFTER Summary In 1541, as Ferdinand of Habsburg 's armies, headed by Wilhelm Roggendorff, were besieging the Hungarian capital, members of the Buda Council made an abortive attempt to pass the castle into the Habsburg's hands. They let a small band of troops in through the small gate by Matthias Church. However, the enemy soldiers were discovered by a detachment of guards on patrol, and were driven out by reinforcements. The treacherous Buda Council members escaped —if they had the chance to. One of them, Ferenc Bácsi, was caught and quartered. The others got away, and despite György Fráter's confiscation of their property and imprisonment of their family, they started new lives. The paper surveys the career of eight escaped Council members, including the judge Péter Pálczán's who ran away with a collection of treasures from the palace chapel, and Tamás Bornemisza 's who wrote his memoirs about the infamous event. Some of them set up as merchants and became rich, while some lived on in poverty. King Ferdinand, however, supported almost all of them through his Chamber.

