Tanulmányok Budapest Múltjából 27. (1998)


INTRODUCTION In 1995 15 enlarged photos were "found" at the Museum of Kiscell, an affiliated establishment of the Budapest Historical Museum reporting on the coronation of Charles IV King of Hungary. The photos had been coloured with distemper. It was not to difficult to discover them since the collection was registered and deposited in the storehouse, but not at their readily accessible proper places, among the graphics of the collection of fine arts, but in the drawing store of buildings of Budapest. The Municipality of the Capital purchased the pictures after the corona­tion, held on December 30th 1916, from the designers of the festive decoration. Károly KÓS, Dénes GYÖRGYI, Móric POGÁNY and Jenő LECHNER. The pictures were registered as architectural documentation. The coronation in 1916 was recorded by some paintings, graphics and count­less photos. These, especially the photos, are well known for both the Hungarian and Austrian researchers. Many of them have been published on a number of oc­casions. The whole series of pictures—special ones in respect of both of fine arts and history photography—will be presented here to the public for the first time, try­ing familiarize with them the representatives of the scientific life as well. In 1996 the 80th anniversary of the coronation gives an excellent opportunity to do so. I would like to thank to Mrs. E. Sarkady, my colleague in the Budapest His­torical Museum for finding the pictures and helping with her careful and thorough research to complete the exhibition and prepare the guide-book. Katalin FÖLDI-DÓZSA Deputy Director Budapest Historical Museum 3

