Kőszegi Frigyes: A Dunántúl Története A Későbronzkorban (BTM műhely 1. kötet Budapest, 1988)

Időrendi és történeti áttekintés (The history of Transdanubia during the late bronze age.) Bilingual-bilingvis.

phase determined as fourth. The Vál expansion of the fourth phase of the Urnfield Culture can hardly be identified with the frequently quoted "Urnfield migration". It is unimaginable that these elements could have reached the Mediterraenean too, peripheral valid, s valid,since it comes; Vál Culture can only be noticed in the central area of the Danube Basin, and at most could have some influence upon the Bronze Age development of the peripheral area of the northern Balkan region. The role of the Vál Culture in the Urnfield development of Slovenia and northern Bosnia cannot be denied, however, this could not have meant a migration which effected the center of the Mycenaean empire as well. Nor can we agree with another theory which completely refuses the role of ethnic migra­tion in the Central European Late Bronze Age and allows for a social development based at most solely on cultural impressions. One of the representatives of this latter theory poses a question, wondering why the hiding of arms happened especially during wartime. 536 The question is only partially valid,since it comes from a wrong generaliza­tion. Considering the Transdanubian Kurd horizon, we can only find very few intact arms, and no perfect swords at all. According to such evidence is hard to deny the existence of historic movements related to the getting under­ground of the treasures. Both theories, one emphasizing the "Urnfield migration" the other totally dismissing migra­tions are based on extremist viewpoints, neither is suitable to provide proper background for the reconstruction of the development of the Transdanubian Urnfield Culture. At this time there are hardly any western type Urnfield elements in the area between the Danube and the Tisza, the former expanse of the Csórva group. The Gáva Culture ruled here which limited the Vál expansion but for some insignificant invasions. The only region, where the strongest presence of the Vál Culture can be experienced is the area of Budapest which at first filled the gap between the Kyjatice and Gáva Cultures. The majority of these sites are within the boundaries of the capital and go barely beyond the Gödöllő hills. 537 The three period division used for the late Urnfield Culture by H. Müller-Karpe is not even fully valid for the find groups of southern Germany. This division was based on grouping the finds of the Slovenian urnfields; the two decades since have proven this division unvalid for several areas. 538 A different chronology can be primarily be noticed in southern Moravia and in Transdanubia. The transition between the early and late phase of the Urnfield Culture must be sought in the HA2 period, both in southern Moravia and in Transdanubia; in the Klentnice I phase and perhaps even earlier in Transdanubia, during the third phase. The Transdanubian fourth phase which is simulta­neously the flowering of the late UK cannot be divided further without considering the settlements and cemeteries. The treasure finds of the period, using H. Müller-Karpe 's terminology, can be dated to the HB2 period, as can be experienced in the case of some hoards of Sághegy, Velemszentvid, Romand etc. The Zürich type sword of this latter find is a direct derivative of the Klentnice sword (Lipovka type) and according to these few treasure finds we cannot distinctly speak about HB1 and E1B2 periods in Transdanubia. It seems that in the case of the fourth phase, including the larger part of the HB period, we face a development documented by unified pottery and bronze types. This development was only broken by even newer historical events causing the hiding of the mentioned hoards. According -to the research of T. Kemenczei following, the getting underground of the Hajdúböszörmény type hoards, the independent, history forming activity of the Gáva Culture ceased, thus these treasures mean the end of the Late Bronze Age in this region. The new one replacing the Gáva Culture has an entirely different contents. The Prescythian type find material grouping around the Mezőcsát —Füzesabony type cemeteries means already the ouver­ture to the early Iron Age and the changed cultural picture had two basic impressions on the development of the neigh­bouring areas, basically on the development of Transdanubia. As a first result of the Prescythian power change the peaceful balance between the two regions of the Carpathian Basin which had developed earlier, completely co­lapsed. Not much later, treasure finds similar to the east Hungarians found their way underground in Transdanubia also, however, not in such quantity as during the previous Kurd horizon. In spite of the fact that the events causing the hidings are closely related to the power change in eastern Hungary we cannot speak about the ceasure of the Trans­danubian Urnfield Culture. Most of the cemeteries are used longer, as proven by Hetény (Chotin) and Budapest (III. Vöröshadsereg Road). The life of the Dálya-Kiskőszeg group is also unbroken although new types in the find material indicate the historical changes happening in the Carpathian Basin. Considering the new find group appearing towards the end of the Late Bronze Age and the beginning of the Early Iron Age the expansion of the Cimmerian equestrians of the Steppe to the Carpathian Basin can be observed. The new object types related to the expansion are called Thraco-Cimmerian find groups. The Yugoslav, Austrian, and similar Italian find material clearly proves that the new culture, at least in its influence, reached beyond the area of the Basin. The Prescythian age in eastern Hungary is accompanied by two basic phenomena, noticeable in the material culture as well; horse-furniture, absolutely necessary for riding, in large quantities, furthermore and iron industry gradually replacing the bronze one. The basic changes in burial customs are supplementary to all these. Skeletal rile replaces cremation. This in itself would clearly indicate that a new ethnic group is to be sought behind this change of historical ages.

