A BTM Aquincumi Múzeumának ásatásai és leletmentései 2006-ban (Aquincumi Füzetek 13. Budapest, 2007)

Régészeti kutatások a katonavárosi amphitheatrum keleti előterében, a Spitzer Gerzson által alapított kékfestőgyár területén II. (Kirchhof Anita - Tóth J. Attila - Kondorosy Szabolcs)

példányok (leggyakoribb műhelybélyegek: FODOR A, SELMECZ, MOHÁCS, bé­lyegzőképek: Selmecbánya címere, lófej) 19. századiak, akárcsak a I. ütem anyaga, ám az ott gyakori bélyegzők (M I IONIC SCHEMNITZ, SELIG TAUSIG) itt alig fordulnak elő. (KIRCHHOF 2005, 22) A nagy mennyiségű, használatlan, de tö­rött pipa többféle földrajzi eredete felveti egy kereskedelmi lerakat létét, nem zárva ki, hogy mellette műhely is működött, ígv egyes típusok helyben készülhettek. (K.Sz.) Kirchhof Anita - Tóth j. Attila - Kondorosv Szabolcs Irodalom/Re ferences: ENDREI 1979 - Endrei W: Óbuda ipari létesítményei (1690-1850). Tanulmányok Budapest Múltjából XXI, Budapest, 1979, 325-349. GÁL 1979 - Gál F.: Óbuda helyrajza a tö­rök hódoltság végétől a XIX. sz. közepéig. Tanulmányok Budapest Múltjából XXI, Budapest, 1979, 105-151. GESZLER 1976 - Geszler (").: Másfél év­század az Óbudai kékfestők és textilnyo­mók között. A Pamutkikészítőgvár törté­nete. (One hundred and fifty vears among Óbuda blue-print and textile printing. The history of the cotton production factory) 1826-1976. 1. Budapest, 1976. GESZLER 1984 - Geszler Ö.: A 200 éves Budaprint PNYV Goldberger Textilművek története. (The 200 year old history of the Budaprint PNYV Goldberger Textile Factory 1784-1984) Budapest, 1984. IIABLE 2003 - liable T: Két ásatás az aquincumi canabac déli szélén (Two excavations on the southern part of the timbers and only indispensable alterations were made. Branches forking in a Y-shapc or broken in an 1 ,-shape were used. Knots, longitudinal cracks and vascular cylinders evidence the growth of the tree. Large branches were cut off and the remaining surface carved to a more-or-less square- or oblong-shaped cross-section. As the trees were sometime naturally bent, the frame limbers were also irregular. The surfaces on the bottom and the sides of the vessel were planed to produce a smooth surface. Frame timber RF 16.2 was the largest. The longer arm was 153 cm long and the total length of the two arms is 193 cm as viewed from above. The vertical height of the shorter arm is 68 cm, its length is 80 em (the two arms meet at an angle of 122 degrees). We know from ethnographic and archaeological analogies that frame tim­bers cut from the same tree were placed in altering directions and that the longer arm of the frame crossed the entire bottom of the vessel. The largest cross-section would have been at the place of frame timber no. 2. Based on the data, the width of the ves­sel would have been 2.35 m, which would have been 2.40-2.45 m when the outboard was added. The vertical height of the sides measured at least 68 em (the complete height can be estimated as 75-80 cm since the frame timbers were usually covered with a thick plank or lumber segment). As rivcrboats were narrow and long, the length of the "Nagyszombat Street vessel" is estimated at 12-15 metres. According to our calculations, frame timber no. 2 came from the middle of the bodv of the vessel. 4'he fact that the majority of the frames were of nearly the same length supports this calculation. A lighter timber of simi­lar measurements was documented in the basin of the Tisza River at Szeged. (TÓTH

