A BTM Aquincumi Múzeumának ásatásai és leletmentései 2004-ben (Aquincumi Füzetek 11. Budapest, 2005)

Korarómai épületmaradványok nyomai az aquincumi katonaváros nyugati részéből (Kirchhof Anita)

MADARASSY 1998 - Madarassy (). ­Kárpáti Z.: Ujabb épületek az aquincumi katonaváros délkeleti régiójában. (A new discovery of buildings in the southeastern region of the Aquincum Military Town.) Aqfüz 4 (1998) 48-52. MADARASSY 2000 - Madarassy O.: Régészeti kutatások az aquincumi kato­naváros területén. (Archaeological inves­tigatons in the Military Town of Aquin­cum.) Aqfüz 6 (2000) 46-55. MADARASSY 2001 - Madarassy O.: Ujabb régészeti feltárások az aquincumi katonaváros nyugati szélén. (Recent exca­vations at the western edge of the Aquin­cum Military down.) Aqfüz 7. (2001) 52-58. MADARASSY 2002 - Madarassy ().: Régészeti feltárások az aquincumi kato­naváros területén. (Archaeological exca­vations in the territory of the Aquincum Military Town.) Aqfüz 8 (2002) 29-35. NAGY" 1937 - Nagy L.: Az Aquincumi Múzeum kutatásai és gyarapodása az 1923-35. években. (Research and expan­sion at the Aquincum Museum.) BudRég 12 (1937) 261-275. NAGY 1942 - Nagy I,: Budapest az Ókor­ban - Budapest in the Antique period. Budapest Története I. (cd.) Szcndv K. Budapest. 1942. PARRAGI 1971 - Parragi Gy: Kora­császárkori fazekasműhely Óbudán. (Early Imperial potteries in Óbuda.) ArchErt 98 (1971) 60-79. PÓCZY 1956 - Sz. K. Póczy: Die Töp­ferwerkstätten von Aquincum. ActaArch­Hung7 (1956) 74-138. pipe. The pillars were dug into a yellow clayey layer mixed with white lime spots. The exterior wall of the aqueduct was built of stone, the interior one of tegu­lae. Two bricks preserved the lunula and planta pedis-shaped stamps of the legio II Adiurix PE The aqueduct was filled in around the middle of the AD 2 nd century or a bit after. After the abandonment of the later channel, there seems to have been another clav slide from the hill. The hearths or ovens built of clav and reinforced with stone evidence the later utilisation of the territory. A large num­ber of animal bones and iron nails were found in the environment of the hearths although no datable finds have been recov­ered, thus, their date is uncertain. West of the smaller fire place, the wall of which burnt red, we documented a levelling layer of stones and bricks. The two, probably Ro­man, features (the fire place and debris) extended towards the south but wc had no opportunity to completely unearth them. In the ease of the large angled fire place, a dating from the Middle Ages or the early modern period is also possible. The fire places were covered with a yellow clav layer coming from two more clay slides. Between the layers, a moister climatic period could be documented, which favoured the development of veg­etation. We have no information to date this clay layer since the upper layers were removed at the start of the construction work. The modern humus layer appeared on top of the second clayey layer. Anita Kirchhof

